Sharing my Appleyards :)


7 Years
Apr 17, 2012
Far Northern California
They got to free range today and apparently made their way down to the pond. The older ducks wanted nothing to do with them. The feeling was mutual. lol They are so pretty. Extremely skittish though despite of the daily hands on. Time to intro treats!

First day out and about and on the big pond. They would literally hop in, swim to the other side and bail out. In a tight group. Very tight group.

They kept running away from me. hehe These guys are from Celtic Oaks. They are so pretty!!
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boy have they grown! Cant wait to send you your second box in spring time when its warm for you.
Me either. These guys are just some of the best eye candy. It was exciting to see them on the pond for a few minutes!
Looks like they took right too it. Just like moving them outside a little time and they will be silly ducks playing and splashing. March and April they should really start putting on size and with size comes calmer dispositions too.

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