Need help sexing 9 week BLRW and 7 week old Olive Egger


7 Years
Jul 17, 2012
Seattle, WA
I'd love some help sexing these two. First up is the 9 week old BLRW. He/She only just last week sprouted these pink wattles. Does the lacing still look like a pullet?

And here is the little OE in question. I've been told the barring looks male and the comb is pink, legs are thick. . . . Im not too confident this one will turn out the way I hope.

Thanks, I very glad about the BLRW. Im still holding on to a thread of hope about my little OE. If he is a roo maybe I will try and keep him just long enough to make some babies!!
First one is a pullet :) The other one I would have to say is a Roo but he sure is handsome!
BLRW is now 10 weeks, feeling pretty confident she is a pullet

Frizzle OE is 8 weeks. Not much change since last week. I still have hope. . .


BLRW is now 12 weeks. still looking girly I think

OE is 10 weeks. Comb is RED but hasnt grown all that much. Legs still thick, stands upright. But no rooish behavior. Im still going to wait a few weeks for cockeral confirmation. I just think s/he is too pretty to give up without knowing for sure, although I do think its looking boyish.

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