What on earth is this!? HELP!!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 23, 2010
I had my chicken inside two days ago, and I didn't hold her yesterday, so I think that must be when this happened... It looks like her wing morphed into a giant poop... the tip of her wing (skin, not feathers) feels like a pork rind, and looks very infected. What can I do, since I just saw it tonight, and the vet is closed on weekends.

I have some weird yellow chicken antibiotic powder here that a friend of mine left... and I have some diabetic syringes, but i'd need someone with experience to tell me if that's for injecting or not. I have cider vinegar and yogurt... and garlic cloves... That's about it, but I can always go to walmart if there's something useful there. I already rubbed it with witchhazel.

If that's an injury/wound, it needs to be cleansed with a 50/50 water betadine mixture, then apply neosporin, then give it time to heal. The powdered antibiotic you have is most likely used for respiratory diseases, it would be useless in this instance.
If the injury/wound is severe enough to warrant an antibiotic, I recommend penicillin G procaine injections. The yogurt, ACV, witchhazel, and garlic are useless in this instance as well.
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ok, we just got back from the vet... he said it was either (the equivelent of) an ingrown feather that got infected, some other sort of abcess, or a tumor.

Do tumors get more likely with age? She's either 4 1/2 or 5 years old at this point. (We think she was a year old when we got her which would make her 5)

Does anyone have any suggestions based on that? The only things the vet offered were surgery to clean it out, or partial amputation.

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