Young rooster can't use his legs properly


10 Years
May 2, 2012
Sanpete county, Utah
This morning I went out to feed my chickens and saw that one couldn't stand up all the way. I'm trying to get some pictures of his legs but I find someone who can take the pictures while I hold the bird. His skin looks really bruised and dark, but I can't remember what it normally looked like. I'm not sure what breed he is, he was an extra.

Here's a picture of his eye, the other is pretty much the same but I wasn't able to get a good picture of it.
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I would isolate him right away. There are many things it could be, from an injury, to illness.

Get him away from your flock, keep a close eye on him. It could be vitamin deficiency, a neurological disorder, something tied around his legs, or something as serious as Mereks. To be safe, make sure he does not come in contact, or share any living area/waterers/feeders with your main flock.

I hope you can get it figured out!
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I've seperated him. I got him as far away from the others as I could the moment I noticed.
I'm pretty sure he got all the vaccines when he was a chick but I'm not sure of anything else.
What are my best options? Cull him? Try to treat him somehow? This is so frustrating. He seems active, he just doesn't want to stretch out his legs, and the joints of his knees and hip are stiff when I gently tried to moved them.
Try him on some infant Vitamin B without iron supplement. Mix it with some scrambled egg. Perhaps some antibiotic, though its hard to say if its a bug thats doing it. It could be neuro and he got bonked or struck his head some how.

Is this how he acts and walks? Remember, in the video, these birds are on a slippery surface so their legs are going everywhere. Also, look at the eyes, check and see if his iris has a ring of slate grey around the edges.
Could be botulism too, it effects the brain and makes birds wonky, and its fatal. they can get it from any rotting protein, like rotting meat, dead worms, fly larva, even rotting legumes.

This video is graphic, so be warned.

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