Head twitching, difficulty swallowing water

Hi is it possible that she might have a vitamin deficiency? Reason I ask is I have silkies too and one of my birds was doing involuntary twitching and her neck was bent down .wry neck. It was caused from a vitamin E defiency.I gave vitamin E capsules and
polyvisol liquid children's vitamins without iron and a
small amount of selenium to help her absorb the E.
Then I gave supplements of vitamin A D E and B. It
cured her of the involuntarily twitching and bent
neck. Her twitching was so bad it almost looked like
a Parkinson's person! Her head was all over the
place it is difficult to explain. But when I saw this
post I thought your bird too might have a vitamin
deficiency causing the involuntarily twitching like my
bird?- its worth a try to treat with vitamins and see if
it cures her. It took about three weeks of vitamins to
cure my bird. It can't hurt to give it a try. If it is a
defiency causing the twitching the vitamins should
cure her. I would use vitamins A D E and B. You can
put water soulable A D E and B in the water. I know
first state vet online has packets of A D E
supplements that's mixed with a B called vita pro B.
This might help your bird? If her twitching is caused from a vitamin deficiency like my bird. Hope this helps! I wish you the very best! Good luck!
Thanks, it's worth a shot, i thought it might be wry neck but i didn't think the description fit, she doesn't tuck her head under, lose balance or walk in circles, she is eating and putting on weight and has lots of energy, but vitamins can only help I guess
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It might be just the beginning. I've had two cases in a matter of a month and each case manafiests differently. My first case had her head between her legs .my second case did the involuntary twitching along with a slight bent neck. None of my cases walked in circles but the first one did walk backwards. The first case is cured 100% thank God my second case is almost at 100%. both are silkies. When I first saw my second case I wasn't sure it was wry neck because she was only doing the strange Parkinson's twitching then sure enough her neck did bend but only slightly. In my cases it was nutritional. I always had supplemented but I never used an E supplement. Until now. Turns out both cases were caused from lack of E. Now I'm using the A D E and mixing with B powder.for there supplement. I get mine from first state vet online. The A D E powder is very inexpensive the Vita pro B I mix with it is a little more. My whole flock are silkies and I've found they can be prone to vitamin defiencies that can manafiest in different ways. Its certain ally worth a try for your bird. I really hope it helps! Be patient sometimes defiencies can take up to three weeks to heal . both my cases were about 3 weeks. I'm approaching week three with my second case and she's almost healed thank God. I wish you the best and keep us posted on how she's doing! I really hope this is it and the vitamins help her out! Best wishes
i'll get the vitamins asap, we have to move across country in 6 weeks and I want all my chickens as healthy as possible for the week long drive, I grow my own lettuces for the chickens to snack on and they get mealworms regularly, also feed the chicks boiled egg yolks, and apple cider vinegar in their water, and they get fruit and veg scraps every day so vitamin deficiency never occurred to me, I got a different wormer that covers gapeworm in case it was that as well
Vitamin defiency was a shock for me too! I also grow my own mealworms I grow a special pasture blend of omega 3 with different grasses and I give probotics and was giving a B supplement. However my birds got the vitamin E defiency. I hear vitamin E can be difficult to absorb with out selenium. I knew silkies were prone to defiency and thought I had it covered going the extra mile with fresh grasses and B supplements but I must have missed something and for me it was the E. every now and then I'd even supplement with flock fuel which is a E but it wasn't enough. So now I make sure to cover my bases with the supplements A D E and B. It didn't dawn on me that my reason my birds were ill was nutritional until my second outbreak in a month! Then I realized
what was happening. I'm hoping the new supplements prevent this from happing to the rest of my flock ! I really hope the vitamins make your bird better! As I said it can sometimes take up to three weeks . so be patient. please let me know how she does! I'm praying for her! Good luck and God bless!

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