Introducing chicks to chicks


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 25, 2013
Nine Mile Falls, WA
I have 2 chickens in a coop that are about 2.5 months old and 3 chicks that are about 5 weeks old. We took the bigger of the 3 chicks and put her in the coop with the other two and they starting picking on her so we took her out.
So I figure we would wait another 2 weeks and introduce them to the other 2 in a few weeks. I figure "strength in numbers" will help so the older ones don't pick on the younger ones. Thoughts? Ideas?
you need to keep the younger and the older around each other but dont allow them to mingle just yet, put younger ones in a cage or brooder and put brooder in coop or run with older birds and let them "talk it out" for a few days. Start letting the younger ones out with the older birds, dont try to bring one or two birds in at a time just let all of them be around each other the younger will run away when the older comes up to them and there are going to be a few times when the older birds will peck the younger birds. Pecking is normal its gonna happen no matter what you do but you have to watch them first few days to make sure the bigger birds dont draw blood on the younger ones... Just takes time you just keep working with them supervising the visits between the two groups and then let em be and they will all learn their place in the flock
no problem, its a stressful time cause you watching something defenseless getting pecked and running around like crazy screaming but thats how their life works. I just had to do the same thing with some of mine it took two weeks for the younger ones to stop hiding when older birds were in run. Now they all get along. It helps to introduce them later in the day like at dusk time the older birds are calming down for the night around this time. Snacks they all can eat and peck at helps too
We started putting them in the run with the others, but in a "cage" .... so my husband last night takes the cage out and they were okay but because the little one wouldn't come out of the coop, he put the cage back in the run. I'm not sure he should have put the cage back in the run, he should have let them be. (This is my first go at backyard chickens and he was surprised at this little suggestion) >>, I told him when I got home that he should have just close the door to the coop. Do you agree?

By the way, he didn't want the chickens in the first place and now he is known to all who know us as the "chicken whisperer".

I know some people who put the chicks in a cage while in coop or run with older chicks so they can "talk it out" before the physical parts begin (pecking and running around screaming) but they usually leave them in their a few days

I don't think you could do anything really wrong as far as closing the door with the chick still in it as long as he has food and water... I dont know if i really understand what you saying about that part!

I know i put my babies in with older birds at 3 weeks sometimes younger sometimes older and I just keep a close eye on them... the big ones are the first to check new birds out and they are going to peck them just make sure no blood is drawn...

Feel free to ask any questions you want I will do my best to answer them to best of my ability
Sorry, My brain sometimes works faster than my fingers. I meant to say that I told him he should have pushed (gently) them out of the coop with the others and closed the door. They have been in the cage, in the run, since Sunday. One of the older ones (I named her Spaz, because she is) would get on the top of the cage and just sit.

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