Silkied Olive Egger/ Easter Egger Projects


10 Years
Jan 21, 2010
A few people I know have started working on mixes being Olive Eggers or Easter Eggers that are silkied. Please post pics of your eggs, chickens, what breeds they are and how you got them. No rules on breeds, colors, sizes just relax and have fun! Whatever breeds you used to get them - tell us about it.

The only exception to this is if you want to chat about the Silkied Ameraucana Project, please use the thread for that project so people don't get them confused with the SOE or SEE projects thread.

Silkied is a feather type. Silkie is a breed.

The Silkied Ameraucana Project thread can be found here:

This is my 1st Olive Egger. The roo was a Splash Silkied Ameraucana and the hen was a Welsummer that lays a really dark brown speckled egg. Her egg color changes to more or less olive or olive brownish. The pullet chicks in the Silkied Ameraucana x Welsuumer cross all had the white lacing, all the cockerels were starting to show some red markings but I did not grow any out to see how they looked.

The Silkied Ameraucana I used is NOT a Silkie cross, pure Ameraucana with silkied feathers.

I hatched 1 set 3 of her eggs and got 1 blue cockerel w/ a straight comb, 1 black silkied cockerel w/ a pea comb & 1 blue pullet w/ pea comb. Still waiting on her to lay...

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Wow. Your silkies are beautiful! I especially like the olive speckled eggs. I'd be interested in a mixed batch of silkied ameraucana/olive eggers hatching eggs next spring if you're selling. :)
Wow. Your silkies are beautiful! I especially like the olive speckled eggs. I'd be interested in a mixed batch of silkied ameraucana/olive eggers hatching eggs next spring if you're selling.
I meant silkied ameraucanas. Dohh! I need to watch my lingo. Lol :)
And thanks - I will PM you in the spring.
I'm curious. How did you breed the silkied ameraucanas? We're they crossed with another breed?
I meant silkied ameraucanas. Dohh! I need to watch my lingo. Lol

And thanks - I will PM you in the spring.
I'm curious. How did you breed the silkied ameraucanas? We're they crossed with another breed?
Hey Kim, what color chicks have you had hatch out from the SOE project?

I had one hatch this morning (along with a regular Ameraucana).. the AM is blue.. the SOE chick (still drying off) almost looks like a lavender... Once it's dry I'll have a better idea (don't think it's a splash since I didn't notice any darker spots yet)...

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