Oil of Oregano with Piperine


7 Years
Jun 27, 2012
Hi All!

I've read a few threads on this site with regards to Oil of Oregano. Over the weekend I went to a poultry show at the Sussex fairground, here in NJ. I met personally, Dr. Peter Brown, "the Chicken Whisperer", not sure if anyone knows of him, but he is very knowledgeable and has a great website to buy many chicken antibiotics, wormers, natural herbs, etc.... and he provides awesome detailed instructions with each (www.firststatevetsupply.com)

Anyways, had a conversation with him about natural cures and preventatives (which I prefer). I had been adding ACV to their water jugs, but just started with the Oil of Oregano with piperine. It seems intestinal bouts ail my chickens most often, so I am giving this a try. Oregano is so good for so many uses.... I will report back on my findings but I wanted to see if anyone else out there has been using it with success and what was ailing your chickens to begin with.....

This site is always so helpful and I know others are out there who are looking for natural cures as well....

Happy henning, all!! LOL
What is the dosage on oil of oregano, how many drops per gallon? I bought it too from him on Saturday and I forgot what Peter Brown aka the Chicken Doctor said, not Whisperer, he is a different guy named Andy Schneider :) . But Peter is on his show Mondays. And Peter is awesome and has the wisdom of King Solomon of Chickens! It is so tiny I cannot make it out on the bottle? Thanks.
Hi Tootsie!

Geez, I didn't realize I had any comments on my post... I'm so sorry. I hope you have figured out how to use it.... the dosage is 6 cc's per gallon of water. I use a small needle and syringe and suck it up into it and squirt into the waterer.. so I fill my waterer to the 2 gallon mark and go 2 lines past "1", or 12 cc's.

I think it has helped them. I don't see the butterscotchy colored poops.. I do still see the dark ones occasionally, but a lot of healthy poops too. It's hard following your chickens around to see who is pooping what!! LOL!

Dr. Brown is so knowledgeable and he overwhelms you sometimes when you talk to him because you wish you were tape recording it!! LOL

good luck, again I apologize for me loooooong delay... hope your chickens are happy and well!

For how many days on your dosage please?

Wow he told me 1 drop per gallon so your dose is much different. It is so expensive too. You would you use up the whole bottle fast that way?
I am getting ready to try this stuff too. I read online that it is a good natural dewormer for all kinds of intestinal parasites, not just cocci. I don't know if that's true, but I'm gonna try it. I think our birds are still trying to recover from the hard winter and cold spring, and am hoping this will give them a boost.

He told me one bottle would last for 100 gals of water?
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Peter is great. I have relied on him so many times over the years. He will be the first to tell you he doesn't know everything, but he can point you in the right direction a lot of times
I feel he has helped with the cure of a lot of our birds over the years, and he's a kind guy, besides.
[COLOR=0000CD]Hi Tootsie![/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000CD]Geez, I didn't realize I had any comments on my post... I'm so sorry. I hope you have figured out how to use it.... the dosage is 6 cc's per gallon of water. I use a small needle and syringe and suck it up into it and squirt into the waterer.. so I fill my waterer to the 2 gallon mark and go 2 lines past "1", or 12 cc's. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000CD]I think it has helped them. I don't see the butterscotchy colored poops.. I do still see the dark ones occasionally, but a lot of healthy poops too. It's  hard following your chickens around to see who is pooping what!! LOL! [/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000CD]Dr. Brown is so knowledgeable and he overwhelms you sometimes when you talk to him because you wish you were tape recording it!! LOL[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000CD]good luck, again I apologize for me loooooong delay... hope your chickens are happy and well![/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000CD]Inge [/COLOR]
What is the dosage on oil of oregano, how many drops per gallon?  I bought it too from him on Saturday and I forgot what Peter Brown aka the Chicken Doctor said, [COLOR=0000FF]not Whisperer, he is a different guy named Andy Schneider :) .[/COLOR] But Peter is on his show Mondays.   And Peter is awesome and has the wisdom of King Solomon of Chickens!  It is so tiny I cannot make it out on the bottle?  Thanks.
I just received a bottle of the origanum oil with piperine and the directions on the side of the bottle say 0.6 ml per gallon if H2O, not 6 ml.
Oregano Oil and Oregano Garlic Oil has been used for some time on pigeons also on some poultry and I haven't herd of it being used with piperine nor being added to water since oil and water don't mix.
I have used Oregano Garlic Oil and will say it is a good conditioning oil (as with most oils) and helps keep a better gut (as with most oils) but just like Oregano Oil it is no miracle drug.

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