Ideal Poultry Surprise Special. Need help figuring out breeds.


8 Years
Oct 13, 2013
Monticello, Ky
I ordered 15 pullets from Ideal Poultry. It was the surprise special. I thought I would get a packing list but didn't
. I took a top and frontal picture of each breed. Remember they are all pullets.

Chick 1

Chick 1

Chick 2

Chick 2

Chick 3

Chick 3

Chick 4

Chick 4

Chick 5 Seems to have tinted colored legs.

Chick 5
Here they are 4 weeks older. I am going to take my guesses. Please help me decide. Forgot to take a pic of one of them. Will add in a little while. I think it was the Maran one. I want to order a roo of each of the breeds as soon as possible.

Brown Leghorn?


Packing Peanut Roo..... RIR?


Packing Peanut Roo.....Buff Brahma???

Barred Rock?

Here they are 4 weeks older. I am going to take my guesses. Please help me decide. Forgot to take a pic of one of them. Will add in a little while. I think it was the Maran one. I want to order a roo of each of the breeds as soon as possible.

Brown Leghorn?


Packing Peanut Roo..... RIR?


Packing Peanut Roo.....Buff Brahma???

Barred Rock?

I'm not a lot of help, but I thought Brahmas had feathered legs. Or am I wrong? (Again, <sigh>)
It's 7 months later....did you figure out the breeds? I'm considering buying chicks from Ideal Poultry.
Also, why do you want so many roosters? Most people get only one, because the males fight each other.
My policy: only one Rooster... The others make their way to my gumbo pot!--
I'm wondering what you ended up with also. Any surprise roosters? Hope you will update the thread - would really like to know. Any of them laying yet?

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