New member from the Music City


7 Years
Mar 26, 2014
Hello all!

This past week I officially became an urban chicken farmer. So excited! I raised chickens in my youth for about 10 years, but of course, college and apartment living doesn't exactly allow a person to bring along their feathered friends, so I had to put that experience behind me. In the past 3 years, Nashville passed an ordinance that allows urban hens. YAY! I'm excited to get back into the hobby - I've missed it all these years.

So now my fiance and I have a box full of Australorp pullets down in our basement. They are 3 weeks old, and growing like crazy! I swear they are already bigger than when we brought them home last week.

Right now we are in the middle of building them a coop and run in the backyard. We should be finished in plenty of time, so when they are ready, we'll be ready. Right now we are in the middle of a patently Tennesseee-style spring (which means we go from 70 degrees to 30 in a few hours), so at this point, no outdoor time for the girls! They are staying warm under their brooder lamp.

When I raised chickens in the past, we were on a huge lot of woodland. Naturally, with that kind of space, the chickens were all free range. I'm interested in seeing how the urban lifestyle goes. I know it's going to be an experience! This forum has already given me so many pointers on raising urban birds, so I just had to join up so I could join in the conversation!

Another hobby of ours is beer brewing.
We have a keg system in the basement, so you never know what we have on tap! I've heard that chickens love the spent grain, and used to give it away on Craigslist, but now I suppose that we will be giving it to our girls. If anyone in the Nashville area is interested in spent grain, hit us up. I know we'll be making more than our girls can eat.

Thanks for your time and I look forward to participating here on BYC!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations on your new chicks! They sure do grow fast don't they, you aren't imagining it. You might try posting on your TN state thread for neighbors or anyone looking for spent grains, sure there are more TN chickens out there who will appreciate them ...

Welcome to BYC!

You will love your Australorps!...My girls are so friendly, docile and are huge on lap sitting. I can't sit anywhere without one or more of them begging to sit on my lap! They fight over who gets to sit closes to mommy.

Good luck with your new chicks and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
I'm really excited about raising Australorps this time. In the past I have had Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, various bantams, and plenty of "mutts". One of the reasons I picked the Australorp was the reputation for friendliness. From your description, it does not sound like their reputation was exaggerated!

Did you do anything special with them to get them so friendly? Or did they just naturally want the attention and get acclimated to you via normal care? As mentioned...never worked with this breed before.

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