A very excited Arkansas newbie!


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 11, 2014
Northwest Arkansas
First off, I would like to say hello everyone! I'm super excited to be a part of BYC. My name is Aaron and my partner Saleste will most likely be using this account as well. We just moved to our new country home here in Northwest Arkansas and the property already had a coop and run ready to go, so we decided to get a "few" chickens for eggs and for some good entertainment. This is our first time raising chickens and we're having a blast. We picked up our first batch of chicks in February from our local farm supply store and they get their chicks from Cackle. We started off with 2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 1 Black Sex Link, 1 Rhode Island Red, 1 Welsummer, 1 Silkie, and 1 Bantam Cochin. We put our first batch of chicks in the coop about two weeks ago and they are now cruising the run and growing like wildfire!. All of our chicks from the first batch were pullets except one... We have a Buff rooster, but he's very sweet and great with our children(3 and 2 years old). I'd say we were VERY lucky. Currently here in the house we have seven Americaunna, 2 of which we bought as "pan fry" specials at a dollar a piece(hopefully we get beautiful blue roosters) 2 Light Brahma, and 2 Cinnamon Queens that are all two weeks old. In another bin we have 2 Gold Laced Polish Crested, 2 Silver Laced Crested, and 2 more Welsummer because we really like how dark the eggs should be when they start laying.... and maaaaaybe we will end up with the Kellog's rooster. Almost 100% of the information we have gathered has come from all the wonderful users and mods here at BYC. We've gone a little chicken crazy so wish us luck!!
Welcome to BYC
It sounds like chicken math got you good lol Enjoy your flock!

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