Hi Everyone!


5 Years
May 25, 2014
Australia, NSW
Hi! I'm new here, and i'm looking forward to meeting all you lovely people and chatting about chickens! I currently have a very small flock of three chickens (sad I know
). They are Belgian Bearded D'uccles and I love them to bits. Their names are Brownie (mille fleur) Chook (blue mottled?) and Storm (black mottled?). They are about 2 and a half years old.
Can't wait to talk chicken with you guys!
Thanks so much! your friendliness reflects my eggspectations (pathetic puns
) of the kindness of you people! Its great to join the BYC flock and great to meet you!
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! I have a little rescued banty hen called Chooks
We have a Australian thread here, if you want to meet and network with others from your side of the world: Australia - Six states..and that funny little island. We actually have quite a lot of Aussie members here!

We currently have a contest running for our new members, if you are interested. Rules and how to enter here:


Enjoy the site!
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! I have a little rescued banty hen called Chooks
We have a Australian thread here, if you want to meet and network with others from your side of the world: Australia - Six states..and that funny little island. We actually have quite a lot of Aussie members here!

We currently have a contest running for our new members, if you are interested. Rules and how to enter here:


Enjoy the site!
A contest? sounds like fun!! I will defiantly check it out! I will also check out the Australian thread, thanks for pointing it out!!!
Welcome to BYC!! I started out with a small flock too, of about 5 Amber Links. Then I bought 6 more, making it 11, and I recently bought 4 hens and a rooster.(10 or 12 week old, not sure?) Not sure of their breed, but people call them Zulu Chickens. They are very intelligent and absolutely adorable! BEWARE: Chickens are addictive!!

Welcome to BYC!

So glad you could join our community! Definitely join in on the contest and enjoy all your poultry adventures!
Welcome to BYC! I love the idea of naming your 3 (flock). Very sweet. Hope you enjoy yourself and learn lots of goodies.

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