A ver bad day


Dux eradication specialist
8 Years
Jul 11, 2014
Orrock township, Minnesota
This has not been a good day in my poultry adventure!

A goose knocked over one of my waterers, breaking the top off when it hit the bricks the waterer next to it was setting on.

A few chickens staged a brilliant daylight raid into my "treats" bag of cracked corn. I caught them in the act, but they all fled when I came into the coop and got lost in the crowd.

A turkey decided to roost on my 4 wheeler last night instead of the roost I built for it. It left several huge gooey treats on the 4 wheeler for me to clean.

And worst of all, I looked out and saw a goose chewing through an extension cord I had running to my 4 wheeler to recharge the battery. In a moment of self reflection I found myself hoping the goose would chew through the cord and electrocute itself.

However, luck was not with me, the darn ground fault breaker snapped and the goose is still alive.

I really need to get rid of the geese! They are making me an evil vengeful person!
Silly Me!

I forgot to write the worst part of the day.

I went to check my incubator this morning before the goose incident and found the humidity was over 65%!

I knew this was bad, it was humid here, but not that humid. I opened the incubator and the stench was over powering!

After regaining my breath I found one of the eggs I had marked as potentially being good, was not. These are pheasant eggs so they are very dark and hard to see into when candling. The egg must have exploded and sent rotten egg everywhere. I held my nose, and preceded to clean the mess. I had to remove the surrounding eggs from the incubator and clean them and the tray.

One of the eggs about 3 rows over was stuck to the tray. I gently tried to remove it. It exploded in my hand. It was a nasty explosion. I was trying to count my fingers and see if I still had 5 on that hand while gagging and barfing. It was not a pretty sight.

This all happened before the goose chewed the extension cord. NOW what I need to know is?

How did that darn goose screw up my incubator? I know it was them, this is something they would do?

BTW I am sorry about the typo on the word VERY in the title. That was another bad day when pea soup infiltrated my laptop. Some letter tend to stick after that. And in case your wondering it appears the goose knocked the soup into my laptop!
Oh no that is a bad start to the day.

LOL, if you don't keep that goose around, who are you going to blame when things go wrong. I guess you might be able to blame the turkey who roosted on your 4 wheeler, but I bet that goose convinced the turkey to roost up there.
I told my wife this morning I was tempt to take the geese to the river and set them free, but that would be just feeding the foxes.

The response from this overly compassionate loving nurse was " well, they have to eat too"

Followed by, the **** things would just find there way back here.

(for reference the river is or was a medium sized river that runs through our farm, or did before it was stolen by the federal government under threat of imminent domain for a goose refuge)

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