Do Drakes make Hens calmer/nicer?


9 Years
Nov 20, 2014
My duck coop
We are getting 2 ducklings (females) in february. We are thinking of getting a drake duckling with them. People have told me drakes make hens calmer and nicer. I need the hens to be nice and calm because I am moving them in with my bantam chicken and I don't want them to attack her like the other chickens did. I had chickens who attacked her thats why I got her some duck friends. Please help Thanks
We are getting 2 ducklings (females) in february. We are thinking of getting a drake duckling with them. People have told me drakes make hens calmer and nicer. I need the hens to be nice and calm because I am moving them in with my bantam chicken and I don't want them to attack her like the other chickens did. I had chickens who attacked her thats why I got her some duck friends. Please help Thanks :thumbsup

What kind of chicken, Silkie, Cochin game bird. Exactly what kind of bantam..
We are getting 2 ducklings (females) in february. We are thinking of getting a drake duckling with them. People have told me drakes make hens calmer and nicer. I need the hens to be nice and calm because I am moving them in with my bantam chicken and I don't want them to attack her like the other chickens did. I had chickens who attacked her thats why I got her some duck friends. Please help Thanks :thumbsup

Are you saying the ducks attacked the chickens or the chickens attacked the ducks?? I'm a little confused, sorry.
Are you saying the ducks attacked the chickens or the chickens attacked the ducks?? I'm a little confused, sorry.
I don't have ducks yet. I am getting them in feb. 2 female ducks. I want them to be nice to the bantam and if I get a drake to will it make the female ducks nicer to the bantam?
As ducklings. They will grow up with the mille fleur so I'm hoping they will like her since they will grow up with her. But I am wondering will they be nicer to her if the is a drake.
I have a game bird MILLE and boy they can be crazy at times exspecially a rooster. My girls are SOOO cool, they will lay on anything, omg my little tiny gamebirds would lay on a goose egg if they can get it under them.. My two girls tried to hatch out 15 to 20 eggs at one time, lol sooooo crazy.

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