3 months gender

  1. SouthCoastEasterEgger

    Gender on 3 month bird

    I need help identifying the gender of The light brahma(?) In the front of the pictures. I'm thinking cockerel 😩 but hoping for pullet 😅 Bought about 3.5 months ago as day old assorted bantam. Thanks!
  2. D

    3-Month-Old Polish Crested Hen or Rooster?

    Hi! Can anyone tell me if my 3 month old polish crested is a hen or rooster? Thank you!
  3. L

    3 months old Silkies Gender? UPDATED with comb pics

    Hey guys this is my first time raising chickens. Here are a few of my silkies that I've had for about 3 months. Please let me know what sex do you guys think they are. Sorry that some quality of the pics are not that good. Any help is appreciated! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7...
  4. ScramblesNflosMom

    M or F? Male traits, no spurs..

    Can anybody help me figure out if this chicken is a male or female? The breed is a polish maran. It's 3 months old. We were told when we got it that it was a girl, now it's crowing in the mornings. It acts like a male, but no spurs at all. Thanks ahead!
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