
  1. S

    Duck attacked by raccoon

    A raccoon got in my duck pen and killed my youngest duck and injured my other male. They have been moved but I don’t know what to do, I’ve only sprayed him down with silver spray. What steps do I need to take? His eye seems to be gone, but the other side of his head wasn’t harmed. I haven’t seen...
  2. ChickenFriends234

    Hey what is the best chick feed for a baby chick that is one week old??

    Last week I have hatched a baby chick from the incubator and I have been feeding the baby chick mullet and mealworms plus grubs. I am planning to buy feed and I don’t know where to start. Does anyone have suggestions? Thanks!
  3. MinervaTheHen

    What should I do for my antisocial roosters? Are there any other types of bird that could provide better enrichment?

    Hello, I’m not sure if this is the right spot for this question but I figured it was my best bet. A while back I bought four straight run bantam chicks at my local feed store (complete impulse buy, they were very cute), and as luck would have it, all four ended up being roosters. I posted...
  4. Flutterbudget

    Fox attack, duck hasn’t pooped in over an hour?

    Hi all, This morning unfortunately we had a fox visit the garden but due to hearing it and my partner darting out, the fox dropped my precious poppet and scarpered. (5am). She has a puncture wound above her right wing and to her tummy. She’s had a bath, I’ve cleaned the wounds with vetericyn...
  5. Goose in the snake room

    HELP! Gosling with Infected feather follicle?

    I feel like my goslings are falling apart with my frequent post. But today I noticed my 7 week old Chinese gosling’s wing was red and swollen. Last week I treated him for Angel wing and this was not present at the time, and I haven’t noticed it until now so I believe this is new. The feathers...
  6. BirdWrangler

    Week old goslings together with three week old goslings?

    Hey y’all, I have 4 three week old goslings, and was wondering if you can keep week olds with them or if they might get injured. Any feedback is appreciated!
  7. A

    I only have one duckling what should I do!?

    Hi, I incubated 3 call duck eggs with my chicken eggs just to see if they were even fertilized. Well we candled all the chicks and duck eggs that didn’t hatch and it seemed there wasn’t anything in any of them. We went outside to crack open the eggs to identify why the eggs didn’t hatch...
  8. K

    New Member - Duck Wing Issue?

    Hello, all! I’m new here but I’ve been a longtime lurker without an account. But finally made an account because I am new to ducks and need some opinions. I have four 8 week old Pekins (pretty sure they’re jumbo 🤦🏼‍♀️) and one of them is struggling to keep her wings tucked in. When she walks...
  9. LazyBirds

    Muscovy Duck Leg help

    Hi all! Wishing everyone and their feathery families peace to the mind. ♡ I have 2 muscovy females and one of them seems to have something wrong with her leg. They've both been broody and been in their nests all day for a couple weeks now. Lilith, the injured one, has some kind of scab or cut...
  10. C

    Overcrowding in coop?

    Hi - I have five silkies. Three are laying and two are still young at about 2 months. I have two Eglu Go coops. The three older ones usually go into one and the two younger ones are supposed to go into the second one. The younger ones just decided they wanted to integrate themselves into the...
  11. Hannah12

    Wobbly but energetic chick with healthy poops, appetite, and drinking.

    I hatched my very first egg almost a week ago. Baby is smaller than the other chicks I got from bomgaars but is also a few days younger. His wings are looking funny as well I’ll attach a pic. So he’s wobbly when he stands. Otherwise has great energy, drinks, eats, poops well, and is loved by all...
  12. C

    8 week old chick with wet pox

    Hi all, new chicken owner here! I have an 8 week old showgirl who had scabs on her neck from dry pox which have started to fall off. Now she is sneezing, hardly eating/drinking, and shaking her head. I did see her eat and drink a little bit not as much as the others. She's not as active as she...
  13. think_fast_chicklenuts

    does anyone know why my ducks only trust me in certain conditions, and how to fix it?

    I have 4 Pekin ducks. They are 7 weeks and 4 days old and live in a very spacious run with some chickens of the same age. (They get along well and there's enough space so the ducks don't trample the chicks.) I only recently stopped putting the chicks and ducks back in their separate brooders at...
  14. Kitkat1992

    Duck egg 2 air sacs and/or malpositioned. Need advice asap

    Advice on if I need to assist with this hatch. Newbie so I don't know what I'm doing. Not sure the exact days either. I don't want to lose the little duckling so any help would be great. Thank you. Incubation temp 100° Humidity 50%
  15. Hannah12

    Me and My Chickens

    Hi all! I’m Hannah. I have two hens currently. We had a third chicken, a gorgeous rooster. Roosters and kids don’t mix well but I was fortunate enough to be able to rehome him! He needed more space and more hens I think haha. His name was buttercup (black Australorp) :) my other two are a black...
  16. alineberry

    Lonely Drake can't find hens

    Hello, I had 3 muscovy ducks and lost them recently. My heart was broken and a friend thought bringing me a drake was a way to cheer me up. I love him however he is alone. I have been searching for over a week on every platform I know of and cannot find any adult runner hens. What should I do so...
  17. M

    Mother off eggs

    How long can a mother hen be off her hatching eggs before we have problems? I’m in Ohio, weather has been in low 40s today, max amount of time that we are for sure of is 4ish hours give or take. Eggs are around 12 days along. I’ve been meticulously checking these eggs every morning and night...
  18. K

    How to know if my chick is dying?

    We’ve hatched our own chicks and 2 have hatched yesterday,1 is fine, active, eating and drinking. However our other one has started to be lethargic and very weak it’s eyes are closed, it doesn’t move and only lifts its head every so often. I’ve had to use a pipet to give it some water and egg...
  19. ElGoose

    Where to advertise free cockerels? (UK)

    I’m looking to rehome our 2 cockerels, we love them but they have been way too aggressive to our older goose and as it’s coming into egg laying season we fear they may break eggs or attack newly hatched goslings 😢 I’m hoping to find a new home for them to go to but not sure where to turn for...
  20. E

    8 Week old pullet sneezing and wheezing. Advice?

    Just brought home two 8 week old barred rock pulleys yesterday and was planning to slowing introduce to my two full grown hens slowly over the next week or two. One of the pullers is occasionally sneezing and has a very slight wheeze. No obvious mucus drainage yet. She is eating and drinking...
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