
  1. InappropriateName


    10 weeks old. I'm thinking cockerel but I have another that has a bigger, redder comb. I know they can be tricky. Also I suck at photos. I blame the phone.
  2. SourRoses

    Pop Quiz - Is this a pure Ameraucana?

    I thought we could have a little fun playing "guess the purebred...ness" err, "purity"? This pullet is Pearl, bred and hatched here from known stock. Is she a pure Ameraucana? You guess! Hone your skills, or if you don't feel like it, Pearl will accept simple flattery instead.
  3. AmeraucanaChicken

    Ameraucana Chick Dying

    One of my Ameraucana chicks which I got through the mail on Friday is being very dopey. I have already had one dopey chick die, but what's different about this one is that it has food in its crop and will drink water when I dip its beak in. It's just extremely weak. I'm also not quite able to...
  4. C

    8 week old chick (Ameraucana) peeps all the time

    Hi--I'm pretty new to the world of chicken raising. We got 4 chicks and then decided to add 2 more, so we have 4 15 week old chickens (they all appear to be hens, miraculously) and two 8 week old chickens that I bought from a local farm. I am not sure on the genders yet, but one is an Ameraucana...
  5. Sammsy

    What colour are these Roos?

    Hello! We’ve got two Ameraucana (as we were told, I believe they may be EE) Roosters that we are hoping someone might be able to help us figure out what colour they are. They were hatched this year in January. Here is the first one: And here is Roo number two: And here are the two...
  6. picklepat

    Lavender or Isabel Ameraucana?

    I know it is not the greatest pic, it's from my cell phone and was very cloudy out all day today. I just got this guy today, he is definitely an Ameraucana, he's got the pea comb and slate legs like my other Ameraucanas. What I'm needing to know is if he's Isabel or what? He is lavender with...
  7. S

    Which breed chicks to add colour to egg basket? Olive Egger vs Cream Legbar or Other?

    Hello! I have a bit of an obsession... Limited coop room and want to optimize egg colours for the amount of hens I can have. I can add a couple more chicks, any suggestions which breeds? The two last ones I don't yet know if they are hens or roos... Currently have chicks: - sapphire olive...
  8. Mikski

    Sexing 3 week old EEs

    Hello! I'm new here but have seen a lot of helpful posts. I'm a first-time chick owner, and recently got a couple chicks from my local feed store. These two were sold as "Ameraucanas" but I'm assuming they are actually Easter Eggers? They are 2-3 weeks old right now, and I have suspicions that...
  9. PrettyBirdRocky

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    Adventures in Easter Eggers. Five are from a local breeder who have a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana as their sire (she breeds Blue Wheaten) and the other four are Americana(Easter Eggers from TSC/Hoover's) This is just to track their cuteness!!! 😍 Because I have to share! Hatch: March 15
  10. V

    Any ideas on the cross?

    These girls were sold to me as brown red Ameraucanas but they obviously aren’t. 2/5 have beards and muffs, one is an obviously lighter colour than the rest. Any ideas? They definitely have lots of Americauna in thrm and her whole flock lays blue eggs but some looked suspiciously green to me as...
  11. B

    Ameraucana has bald spots on face and is shaking head

    We have nine hens in a fully enclosed coop and run. One of our Ameraucanas has recently gotten bald spots around her face and on her head. She seems to be shaking her head sometimes, too (I'm not sure if she's doing that more than usual or if I'm just paying closer attention). I picked her up...
  12. JesWith3

    Ameraucana (?) Breed question and Pullet or Roo?

    I have two Ameraucanas in my flock (I THINK). The topic still confuses me, because I've learned that just because a chicken has parents that are both Ameraucanas, if they don't meet a certain color requirement, they might not TECHNICALLY be Ameraucanas, but instead be simply classified as an...
  13. JesWith3

    What color would the hens likely lay?

    Hello, all! My Starlight Green Eggers started laying for me on Christmas!! Now, my Ameraucana roo just reached sexual maturity and has begun mounting my SGEs! I do want to keep 4 more hens in my flock and I'd like them to be colorful egg layers, so, my questions are as follows: 1.) Is it too...
  14. Kcarb25

    New here!

    Hi all! I currently have 7 chickens in total, Cochin rooster, Rhode Island Red rooster + his mate, and the 4 others I think might be a silkie/EE mix? Or Maran/Silkie mix? Not too sure and would love to know your guesses? Also if you all agree that I think I might have 2 roosters out of the cross...
  15. M

    What colour morph is this hen?

    What colour morph is this Ameraucana? This precious girl was a hatchery rescue. She suddenly passed away recently and we realized that we never figured out what “colour” she was. Any idea what she’d be called?
  16. S

    Isabel Ameraucana hen x wheaten Ameraucana rooster = Isabel chicks?

    Hi! I have a beautiful Isabel Ameraucana hen and just wondering if I purchase a wheaten Ameraucana rooster, what percentage of chicks will be Isabel? Thank-you!
  17. L

    Ermine Ameraucana Questions

    I hope this is the right place for this! I bought 4 “Ermine” chicks from a breeder & have already reached out to her regarding this question but I was confused with the answer. They came from a Dom White Roo & Ermine hen. 3 of the chicks are pure white and 1 is ermine. I was told that the...
  18. E

    Do I have a rooster!?

    Hello everyone! My husband and I are raising our first flock of backyard chickens. We have Rhode Island reds, barred rocks, and ameraucanas (yes, I know they are actually Easter eggers since we got them from a hatchery). We ordered all pullets but decided we wanted to free range, so we are...
  19. JesWith3

    Ameraucana Breeding Conundrum. Input?

    I would like to breed Ameraucanas (not Easter Eggers, not Americanas), but I have recently read that the offspring resulting from an Ameraucana of one color bred to an Ameraucana of a different color will not be a true Ameraucana, but instead an Easter Egger. Why? How? If that is the case, even...
  20. S

    'Americana' Fun Gender Guessing

    Recently got some straight run chicks from TS labeled 'Americana.' Though it would be fun to post pictures and guess what they might turn out as. Here are pictures at 3 days old and 4 weeks (sorry they didn't want to stand still for these). I'll update every few weeks. Figured this might help...
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