asian black

  1. T

    Breed and gender?

    I got some pullets labeled Asian Black's from TSC, and this one started showing different coloring than the others. It looks like a barred rock to me, but just wanting to verify. Also, unsure of the gender. It's about 6 weeks in the photos.
  2. M

    8 month old Asian Black not laying yet

    Good morning, I have an Asian Black hen and two Leghorns (and an Easter Egger Rooster). They are all a little over 8 months old. The Leghorns have been laying for a few months (including a break for a little while during the depths of winter), but my Asian Black still hasn’t laid any eggs yet...
  3. A

    What the breed of my chicken?

    Hi, I have a question for you guys! When I bought one of my chickens at TSC 3 months ago, I got the breed named, "Asian." We assumed this meant the "Asian Black" breed. Which is a black chicken with supposed slow growth? But, our chicken Clover looks nothing like the pictures and grew VERY fast...
  4. KellynBakes

    Identify that chick!

    Help! This sweet babe is about two weeks old (?) and I bought her as an Asian Black pullet. Thoughts on that identification being true? Looks nothing like the other Asian Black pullet I bought.
  5. 6chicks1coop

    Asian Blacks? Sapphire Gems??

    We recently purchased these chicks from tractor supply and we are starting to think the bins may have been mislabeled. The two blacks were labeled as Asian Blacks and the two grays we are unsure of their label, but after research we think they could be sapphire gems?? Hoping no roosters, but let...
  6. Chickenman1994

    Asian black babies are home.

    Went to rural king today and picked up 7 Asian black pullets 6 was the minimum ended up with an extra can’t wait to see how they do what’s everybody’s luck with this breed? The
  7. BabyAndPoki

    Asian Black Chicken

    So I got an Asian Black from Tractor Supply and it has markings that my last Asian Black didn’t have, she was almost completely black except for and almost barred like feather on her wing. I tried looking up if there’s differences between cockerels and pullets but nothing helpful came up, so do...
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