
  1. C

    Integrating baby chicks to the rest of the flock

    So my chicks are now fully feathered (So I guess they aren't quite babies anymore), and I was wondering how I should go about putting them outside. Two of my chicks died in the brooder due to (I believe) freezing to death, so I am worried it will be too cold. My big chickens have already met the...
  2. ECarter1217

    Restarting my flock for 3rd and last time

    my last flock was killed by a family of raccoons it has been one year now since we have lost out girls and miss them everyday this time we are going with 12 RIR i will be picking them up of the 17th i will add photos when i get my biddys
  3. DollBoll

    I got

    I got some hatching eggs off of eBay after giving back the chicks I was looking after and they’ve hatched! I’m not sure how many have hatched as I’ve only seen two (they’re under my silkie) and I don’t want to panic her so I’ve left some food and a waterer near her so the chicks don’t have to...
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