
  1. ChicksofHeaven

    Chicken newbie

    Hi all! My husband and I just moved to a hobby farm. Last week we got three chicks from a FB marketplace dude.... we have a small TSC coop (hen house and small lower run) We constructed a run enclosure to let them get comfortable while they are small. (hope to free range next summer) The chicks...
  2. P

    Chicken bedtime is rough

    Hello, first time posting. My chickens have been outside for three nights now in their henhouse, and they are going in and out of it in the daytime just fine. At night, I've set my auto door to close at 8pm and I'd like them to get into bed by then... but it's been a bit of a mess stuffing them...
  3. L

    Chickens won’t go to bed at night.

    So we recently had one of our supposed to be hens turn into a rooster.. where we live in massachusetts we can’t have roosters so we rehomed him to a beautiful farm. But a couple weeks before he left he started trying to mate with our hens and as it became more frequent we noticed we would have...
  4. tootmany

    A New, Natural Way to Fall Asleep

    Welcome ladies, gentlemen, and all! I have a very important announcement to make! I've been keeping my technique a secret for far too long! Put them wallets away because I wont charge you a single buck. Have you ever had problems getting to sleep at night? Thinking too much? Messing around...
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