blue genes

  1. Robind15

    What color egg will my roosters chicks produce?

    Hey Y’all! I bought a gorgeous Brahmamerucana rooster. I’d like to know what color his chicks will lay or produce. I’m not good with genetics so please help but first let me explain. The person I bought him from said he will have a 50/50 chance of producing Green or blue eggs chicks. His dad...
  2. PeaEggThief

    Silkie Chick Colors - dilution gene? Red + blue genetics?

    Hi! I'm a newbie to silkies and chickens in general. I was testing out my incubator for the upcoming peafowl breeding season and am using the eggs of my silkies (also for incubating pea eggs). I thought I'd get a pretty standard color chick, but I'm shocked at the range of colors and now I'm...
  3. E

    Newbie genetics and egg colour questions

    Hi all, I’m new to breeding and understanding genetics and have so many questions. To start, I’m wondering how the blue/green egg genes translate and what happens when you breed a Silverudds Isbar with blue egg layers (cc Legbar) or olive layers (marans/ameraucana mix)? Does the green genetics...
  4. T

    Blue sex link hybrid chicken.

    Blue sex-linked hybrid chicken is a hybrid chicken often named muirfield blue rock, blue haze, bluebell, French grey, dominant blue d 107 etc. Can we have information about which groups of roosters and hens can create a blue sex-linked chicken...
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