broody or sick?

  1. N

    My duck lost her voice?

    Hello, I'm new to owning a duck and shes a few weeks away from being 1 year old. She suddenly lost her voice yesterday within about 2-4 hours since my dad gets up around 5-6 a.m. and she was quacking at him then, but after I got up to see her at around 7-8 a.m. she didn't make a sound. She tries...
  2. Chikkiepoo

    Just broody or something worrisome?

    My 6 month old Fauvacana began laying 3 weeks ago and layed an egg every day until 4 days ago. Now she sits on the empty nest for hours at a time but has not laid an egg. She occasionally comes out for a few minutes to free range, but is sleeping on the nest. Also she is mean as spit while on...
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