
  1. Z


    Hi, one of my hens went broody, so I bought some fertile eggs from a local farm. She sat perfectly but none hatched. Today is day 24 and one may have popped or may have been squished by mama hen. I was just wondering what may have gone wrong. Also, she left the nest this morning and hasn't...
  2. Muser

    Day 20: The hatching begins (Under broody hen)

    It's day 20 of chicks incubating under my big broody Orpington/Brahma cross, she started with 12 but one sadly stopped developing at day 3/4ish. So day 7 comes, candling shows great development, all 11 remaining eggs were showing spider veins and some dark eye spots as expected. Day 14 comes...
  3. IMG_0765.jpeg


    Sad broody bird, last measures
  4. sheenersb

    Can I fix broodiness in ducks? No drakes in the flock

    I have broody ducks that don’t understand their eggs aren’t viable (no drakes) and I need to know how to get them out of this broody stage. One or two are doing it every other day (one takes the add days, the other takes the even days) and some others are just finding random places around the...
  5. Emrosenagel

    Broody hen stopped eating

    Hello! I have a Cochin that went broody 4 weeks ago, give or take. I tried my hardest to break it, but no matter what I did she stayed vigilant. I decided to let her ride it out and hope she would come out of it by herself. Since the start, she ate very well and drank regularly, with normal...
  6. A

    Sick chicken? Please help

    A few days ago, one of my hens started brooding. This didn't surprise me, because I read heat could induce this behavior. She was bullying the other hens out of the nesting box, so I decided to move her. Because it was so hot, I did not want to isolate her in the brooder that was outside (I...
  7. R

    Introducing 2 new chickens to one single Silkie hen that is currently broody = BAD IDEA?? Pls HELP!

    Hello! I have a 3 year old Silkie hen that is currently showing broody behaviour - I want to introduce two new friends to her (4 month old silkie chicks), but maybe that is a bad idea when she is broody? Maybe that would be very stressful to her? Or is it fine? Any help greatly appreciated...
  8. MamaPoult

    How do I break a broody?!

    Hey BYC people! I was hoping you all could help me out with something. So my nice Australorp hen, Elizabeth, has been broody for about 2-3 weeks now. She stays in the box all day and is pulling her belly feathers out too now. Our season is closing in here to it is not possible to let her...
  9. Emrosenagel

    Broody hen panting, hot crop

    Hello! I have a very stubborn broody hen. She went broody a little over a week ago and is not responding to any breaking techniques. I have her in a cage in the AC with no bedding; she just sits on the bottom, brooding. I put ice under her, she just melted it. A few days ago she started...
  10. cncurtis13

    Week-old chicks…now other hen has gone broody

    We have a small flock of three hens and a rooster and are letting the hens hatch and raise their own chicks. We have three chicks being raised by two hens (they shared a nesting box and seem to be co-parenting well). The chicks are a week old. The other hen has now gone broody in a different...
  11. crunchygranola

    Odd hen behavior?

    I have a couple hens that, when I approach them, squat down, spread their wings slightly, and almost do a little dance with them stomping their feet. One of them is newly laying and the other just came of age. Is it fear or defensiveness?
  12. PantherWaltz

    Is humidity a worry when using a broody?

    Hi, there! One of my hens went broody, it's her first time, and we decided to give her some fertile eggs to hatch. The eggs are do late next week to early the week after. We've never used a broody, and I've never successfully hatched on my own to begin with. So my question is do I have to worry...
  13. crunchygranola

    My chickens laid their first egg!!

    I’m just so excited that I had to share! I’ve raised this chicks from two day old babies and finally, after all the hard work and turmoil and money well spent, I finally got my first egg! Its little and just so cute— I’m ecstatic! So proud of my girls! 🥰 (brown egg is a large-sized egg from...
  14. S

    Egg bound or broody?

    Hi! My hen who is just over a year old (Easter Egger) has been in the nesting box A LOT. She was in possibly all last night and majority of the day today. The past two days frequently, more yesterday. She is making really low short clucks and almost “growls” when other hens go near her. She has...
  15. SwimingWithTheGeese

    Broody goose with infertile eggs

    Hello all! I have a darling female Toulouse goose, Bella, Bella has been broody for a very long time, I think about a month and a half or more, unfortunately our gander died of old age so her eggs are infertile, I’m worried she might start getting depressed if her eggs don’t hatch, but after a...
  16. L

    First Time Broody, All Died

    I had a 1 year old Buff Orpington go broody a few weeks ago. She started with 9 eggs and they all died despite her being very faithful - wondering what happened and how we can improve next time. I’m thinking possibly the heat (has been 100+ degrees here in Alabama and very humid) as well as...
  17. castlefarms

    Broody hen stopped the day my new chicks arrived

    I scoured the threads and I don’t think this has been posted before! And just my luck 🍀 of course, my broody hen closing in on 21 days has deciding to snap out of it the exact day our 4 new chicks arrived. My plan was to slip them to her tonight and remove her 4 eggs I’ve been letting her keep...
  18. chickieBok

    Lethargic!! Barnevelder - listless, pale comb, won’t eat!

    Our barnevelder is our first girl to go broody about 2-3 weeks ago. She’s around 18 months old and was growling and taking food from my hand up until a few days ago when I got too sick to climb into the coop for a few days to hand feed her. Last night she was in her nest, seemingly her normal...
  19. R

    Broody Bantam Cochin Hen & Resp Infection?

    Hi all! Thanks for welcoming me into this great community. I am desperately in need of some advice or information. I have a bantam Cochin hen who is my best friend (her name is Lady) and we have really been through it lately! She was attacked by someone in the flock (not sure who) so I...
  20. Muser

    First time hatching eggs

    Hi All, I have a big broody Orpington/Brahma and she's super keen to sit on eggs. Been trying to break her for a good week, she's currently sat in chicken jail and I just feel terrible for her so having second thoughts about maybe putting some eggs under her to hatch. I was going to order...
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