cayuga ducklings

  1. M

    Looking for cayuga ducklings for sale in georgia

    I live in the athens area (Georgia) and I am in search of Cayuga ducklings. I want 5 less than three week old females and am willing to pay 8$ each (though you can contact me to negotiate that). I can drive an hour to an hour an a half away but any further than that and you would half to meet me...
  2. H

    ISO Cayuga & Welsh Harlequins in South Louisiana

    (First Post!) Hello! I'm moving from the city to a small plot of land after I get married in April. I'm so excited to get some ducks for the back yard. I've been doing some research and have decided on getting 2 Female Cayugas & 2 Female Welsh Harlequins for eggs, bug control, and as pets...
  3. GratitudeGates

    Starting Over

    We live in Idaho and in 2012 I got my first batch (4) of chickens as of today we are down to just one hen left RITA - Ameraucana she was the meanest of all of them and she now finds herself alone my ducks tolerate her. We also have (4) ducks that are about a year old 2 pekins Lilly and Daffodil...
  4. J

    Silver and blue Cayuga ducklings

    I live near Dallas, I have been looking to buy silver and blue Cayuga ducklings. All the hatcheries I have looked at only offer black Cayuga ducklings. Where can you find silver and blue Cayuga's that will ship them to me?
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