
  1. N

    Help and advice needed!

    I have recently purchased two goslings (hatched a week ago). As I was leaving for work this morning I checked on them to find that the bulb on my heat lamp had blown in the middle of the night and the smaller gosling of the two had gotten in the waterer and was soaking wet and laying on its back...
  2. C

    Chick screaming

    I have 2 chicks that just hatched a few days ago and one won't stop screaming, they have heat, water, food, I even put a stuffed animal in there so they can cuddle it. Ik people say to just leave them alone and they will stop eventually but I literally can't when he's screaming all day and...
  3. C

    Day old chicks screaming??

    I hatched 2 Jersey Giant chicks, every time I leave their line of sight one of them starts screaming and calling for me, they have food, water, enough heat, and in a safe environment, they are in my house until they get big enough to go out with the rest. I think they think I'm their mama hen or...
  4. M

    HELP HELP EMERGENCY! My 1 month old baby chick is chocking! What do i do!!????

    She seems by cause she is playing around jumping and running but sometimes she stops and harshly shakes her head aide to side. Maybe she found some cooked rice i left outside and chocked on them.. I tried to help her when she was gasping and i tried to give her water but she Won't drink at all...
  5. Moose0

    Mystery Chick~

    Hello all! It's time for everyones favorite game! ~WHAT'S THAT CHICK!~😆 Anyway was dropping off some barred rock chicks I hatched out to my bestie and she brought out this little thing! It was mixed into here Meyers hatchery order but she only ordered RIRs and some leghorns poor thing looks...
  6. L

    9 week old grey chick

    Hello everyone! I have this beautiful 9 week old baby (who I think is a pullet 🤔) but I have no idea what breed she could be. Does anyone have an idea? Thanks!
  7. Rickthechick

    Sexing chicks, what is your guess?!

    Hi everyone. Long time reader first poster! We have 4 chicks that are doing great, but what sex do you all think they are?! Our guess is: Black = Hen White = Hen Black with speckles = Rooster Orange = Can’t decide?! The black, white and orange all grew wings and tail feathers much quicker...
  8. T

    Chick eye infection

    One of my chicks seems to have an eye infection. It's swollen and has pus on top of the eye that I can't get, as well as pus in the eyelid which I can easily squeeze out. She doesn't have nasal discharge or foaming, and her breathing seems to be fine. I think she might have gotten something...
  9. Quacking ducks

    Cross beak chicken

    A friend of mine has a chicken with cross beak. I there any way to fix cross beak? Thanks
  10. M

    Picky eater chick Doesn't want to eat chick feed. What to do?

    She is 3-4 weeks old and she used to love eating a lot chick starter but since i brought this new bag of chick starter (the other one finished) she doesn’t seem to like it one bit. She peaks at it but doesn’t eat much or show interest at all. I can tell she is Hungry but Won't eat the feed. She...
  11. G

    Slipped Tendon or Leg Deformity? HELP!

    Hey everyone, I have a four day old chick that’s very lively eating good drinking good but is really struggling to get around. I attached photos of its legs and I’m wondering if anybody could tell me if this is a slip tendon or leg deformity and what I can do?
  12. A

    20 week old chick made a bloody poop?

    Hello everyone! I have a question. So me and my sister got 4 new chicks 20 weeks ago and they've been doing great until today. One of our chicks (named Chloe) started acting lethargic today. She is standing still and closing her eyes most of the day. She is still drinking water but not eating...
  13. K

    Is this 14 week old Americauna a Hen or a Cockrel?

    I have 2 Americauna chickens, one I believe is a rooster for sure because he’s been crowing for a while and just has the overall look of a rooster in my opinion. The other one is much smaller so I always thought she was a hen but lately she also started crowing with him and tends to spar with...
  14. A


    Hi there, 17 of my quail hatched but 2 of them cant walk properly. Im having trouble figuring out their conditions. Is this splay/spraddle leg? One of the chicks toes seems to be curled up. They in general have trouble standing up and lifting themselves up. The one with the curled toes keeps...
  15. AmeraucanaChicken

    Ameraucana Chick Dying

    One of my Ameraucana chicks which I got through the mail on Friday is being very dopey. I have already had one dopey chick die, but what's different about this one is that it has food in its crop and will drink water when I dip its beak in. It's just extremely weak. I'm also not quite able to...
  16. M

    Why are my baby chicks dying?

    Ok so It's been ta same many times. Firstly are Cornish X supposed to die quickly? Sells here only sell cornish X baby chicks and no other breeds sadly. Now everytime i do get them one way or other they die. I gave them Chick starter the whole time and kept the place in a comfy warm temperature...
  17. B

    Injured baby chick. What to do now?

    We had a hen go broody and we let her keep the eggs. Unfortunately they did not all hatch at the same time so once the first one become mobile she left the remaining eggs in the nest. She’s been a great mama raising her single chick. We opted to keep them with the flock and mama won’t let any of...
  18. M

    Roo or hen, what are youuu?!

    Hi all! This baby is a 4 week old whiting true green chick from McMurray hatchery. Just turned 4 weeks today. Is it safe to say it’s a roo? Or should I wait a couple weeks to make sure? Also, when is a good time to rehome? We have an excellent rooster and are not looking to add another one. I...
  19. L

    Three day old Baby chick not accepted and Attacked!

    So my boyfriend's chickens, silkys, had three babies, this little one was a bit delayed, and she was fine for two days, but she was getting picked on, then she got attacked tonight, I just got her a few hours ago, she's only three days old and she's got a bald spot on her neck with a gash kinda...
  20. A

    Baby chick bit by dog.

    my dog bit my new baby chick I've never had a problem with it but today 6/15/24 it bit it and now the baby chick seemed fine nothing wrong but later on I noticed its gut seem to becoming out from it behind and my dad told me to leave alone but i still called ever vet i could but they seem to...
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