chicken lice

  1. MCchickies

    My chickens have lice!!!

    Yesterday at my weekly cleaning I did my check over my chickens and notice my chickens have lice. I gave them a bath yesterday to help sooth in the meantime before I can get anything for treatment. I’m going to pickup a dust bath from my local feed store, and just ordered permethrin (liquid)...
  2. janiedoe

    We have persistant lice that will not die

    For the last 4 weeks I have been trying to rid my chickens of lice. I have 5 hens 1 to 2 yrs. & 8 chicks from 8 to 10 weeks. They have probably picked up lice from the wild birds in the outer yard. They have sand boxes in the run with play sand, de, & a little sufer. They usually dust bathe in...
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