cleaning poop

  1. W


    Hello I joined today, I named off a ton of stuff I learned on BYC but I would like to share one thing I learned on my own. Three years ago, we bought 12 baby chicks. I lost over half of them. This past spring we bought 3 dozen so when we did raise them and lost them we would still have some...
  2. Vegan Mountain Mama

    super poopy/muddy to eat/sell?

    sometimes when I've been getting my duck eggs in the morning, they've succeeded in submerging the eggs in poopy mud...I never thought this was a problem since I thoroughly wash them before I give them away or sell them. But I recently learned that bacteria CAN penetrate the shell??? wtf *mind...
  3. B

    New Owner: Can't bathe chicks but can I soak their feet?

    My chicks have some poop dried on their feet and it looks like it's making it uncomfortable for them to walk. Can I soak their feet to soften the poop and get it off without possibly killing them? I'm already trying to avoid this type of thing by having a wire bottom cage so their droppings...
  4. Connor Bassani

    Can I clean my chicken coop with a shop-vac?

    So it's that time of the week again, coop cleaning! My coop has a slide out bottom... but it's so shallow that the shavings and poop just can't fit through the slot it slides out of (so I end up using a broom and a shovel)! They also poop in their nesting boxes and the shovel can't fit in there...
  5. roxy530

    Chicken Butt Cleaning

    Is it normal for chickens to need their butts washed down every so often. My two hens with fluffy bloomer butts seem to need a bit of help in this area. Thanks!
  6. 2mnypetz

    How do I get a used brooder clean?

    I did a search & can't find what I'm looking for, but I'm sure it's been addressed before & I apologize. But my problem is that I bought a "chick" coop from a friend that still smells bad after I cleaned it. It's in pretty bad shape, with the bottom & sides made of particle board. I've already...
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