columbian rocks

  1. C

    Columbia Rock Cross Pullets (10 weeks old) - Louisville KY - $20

    All hens. $20 each 3 remaining
  2. C

    Louisville Area - Pullets For Sale - Multiple Breeds - From Hatchery

    $35 each All hens, no roosters. They are 10 weeks old as of July 15th and will be 12 weeks old July 29th. Available hens: 20 - Americana, lay pastel (green, pink and blue) eggs 20 - Noir marans, lay dark chocolate eggs 4 - Columbia rock cross, lay brown eggs 6 - Cuckoo marans, lay dark...
  3. Columbian Plymouth Rock x Reds

    Columbian Plymouth Rock x Reds

    2 weeks old
  4. Soon2BChixMom

    Plymouth Rocks - what are they really like?

    I have been reading about Plymouth rocks for the past week. There is a lot of conflicting info. Some say they are great for children. Easy going, docile, etc. But, then others say they are mean bullies to other chickens in a mixed flock. Doesn't sound like an easy going chicken to me. So which...
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