Plymouth Rocks - what are they really like?


Herding ducks and Wrangling chickens
Jan 8, 2017
I have been reading about Plymouth rocks for the past week.
There is a lot of conflicting info. Some say they are great for children. Easy going, docile, etc. But, then others say they are mean bullies to other chickens in a mixed flock.
Doesn't sound like an easy going chicken to me.
So which is it?
Does color matter (seems to me that it shouldn't :rolleyes: )?
I am looking at some Columbian Plymouth Rocks to be specific.
I've only had mine a few days, so I'm sure I'm not much help. But I'd be happy to stay in touch and update you as I get to know them better!

I have 2 barred rocks in a mixed flock with wyandottes, easter eggers, an orpington and a brahma. The barred rocks so far don't bully the others anymore than they all peck at each other trying to establish the pecking order. They are only about 8 weeks old though.

They will let my kids (3, 9, 11) hold them without much issue. They tend to get squirmy faster than the wyandottes or the brahma. One of them pecks but seems to be out of curiosity.

Not sure if any of this was worth your time but thanks for letting me talk about my chooks :cool:
I honestly think it's how you raise a chicken, Not the breed. I have over 20++ Varieties of chickens all in one big flock, I have some mean brahmas and sweet brahmas, Some flighty leghorns and docile ones, My plymouth rocks can be either, Mean or nice. And all of my RIRs (13) are very docile, A bit higher on the pecking order but they never start any fights unless i've introduced new layers to the flock.
My issue is that most likely I will always get older birds at pol or older. I am not sure if I want to brood chicks. Though they are cute - just seems like more work.
I have been reading about lots of different breeds of birds lately and lots of conflicting advice so I'm thinking you are on to something @MillersFarm
and @animalyodelers if you have any pics to share please do.
I wonder if due to barred rocks being very popular more people own them and see all sorts of behavior. Sometimes we tend to report bad behaviors vs good.
My heritage ones were docile, had 1 aggressive male.
My hatchery ones were wilder but not aggressive, just couldnt catch them as easily, more skittish.

But as said before, a lot has to do with how much you handle them as chicks and thenforth.
They can be Divas, but they are great with kids.
Their attitudes only flare around other chicken breeds. Usually they are very docile and extremely intelligent and friendly.
They will bully the slower, lower pecking order chickens if they get bored. Ours used to bully our CCX after the rest of her breed died. But our Rooster out a big stop to that.
Now they get stuck up and ignore her or try to keep her from her food and even go so far as to poop on her or in her nesting box if they get a chance.
Yesterday they threw one of thier own, the lowest in the breed, out of her nest and she cut her comb just where it attaches to the beak.
She hit the ground so hard she was KOed for a few seconds.
She was on the nest the leader of the pack wanted.
She's fine now and will no doubt get even eventually.
But they are super sweet to humans.
They can be Divas, but they are great with kids.
Their attitudes only flare around other chicken breeds. Usually they are very docile and extremely intelligent and friendly.
They will bully the slower, lower pecking order chickens if they get bored. Ours used to bully our CCX after the rest of her breed died. But our Rooster out a big stop to that.
Now they get stuck up and ignore her or try to keep her from her food and even go so far as to poop on her or in her nesting box if they get a chance.
Yesterday they threw one of thier own, the lowest in the breed, out of her nest and she cut her comb just where it attaches to the beak.
She hit the ground so hard she was KOed for a few seconds.
She was on the nest the leader of the pack wanted.
She's fine now and will no doubt get even eventually.
But they are super sweet to humans.
Oh wow. Divas for sure! Must know not to bite the hand that feeds it :p

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