coop interior designs

  1. Harmoni

    Redesigning coop, input appreciated

    The coop is 5x6.6. We currently have 4 birds in our flock. Predator proof run is 5x10 plus a 5x4 triangle. Current layout in the coop has the nest boxes higher than the roost area so we are going to move everything around. Nest boxes are 33in off the ground above the pop door. Roost is a ladder...
  2. Harmoni

    Best use of space? 5x6.6 coop

    I had just posted about a ramp issue but now I am thinking our layout is all wrong. The coop is 5x6.6 and 8ft tall. We plan to store chicken stuff up top. Right now we have a 3 level roosting ladder. The top rung being 3ft up. The nest boxes are 32 inches up and above the pop door. After sering...
  3. NightingaleJen

    Coop Interior Help/Thoughts, Please: Sketched ideas on page 2

    Well, as it turns out, we had a pretty difficult year health-wise and with deaths in our little family, so coop work stalled a quite a bit. We do have the 8x16 structure's exterior (mostly) finished; Hubby was working on the frames for the windows this past week. Since we do have a blank-slate...
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