
  1. D

    Is it normal for my duck to have diarrhea 1-3 times everyday?

    She eats well and drinks well. She has snacks like tomatoes mixed with eggs once almost daily, but often a few times everyday. She eats Manna Pro Duck Layer Pellets everyday as her main feed with calcium being high. She’s usually quite lively and messes around a lot. Her poop is usually okay...
  2. D

    (Please help) Why is my duck losing feather around her eyes? Is this normal??

    Is this a skin condition or is it normal? I’ve never heard about this before though. It’s not very serious, but she’s been losing a bit of feather around her eyes. I know it’s normal to lose feathers in general, but near her eyes? That’s new. I’m worried, is she sick?
  3. S

    4 week old Easter egger has symptoms I cant link to cause

    I’m a new chick owner, first time, and trying to troubleshoot my chickens is turning to be a super challenge between me trying to take preventive action or just over thinking. My Easter egger daphne, for a couple weeks she has been sneezing pretty constantly compared to the rest. That initially...
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