
  1. J

    Pekin drake 4 months - Conyers GA

    Need to find a good home for a 4 month old pekin drake. Located just outside of Atlanta, GA in Conyers. Feel free to text. 703-786-9895
  2. F

    Introducing 5 week old goslings to 4-5 week old ducklings

    Recently I’ve moved all 5 of my ducklings (ages ranging 4 weeks to 5 weeks) and I’ve had 2 goslings who are both 5 weeks old that I’ve wanted to introduce to the ducks When they were a few weeks younger they would constantly try to hang out with the ducks on their own but I wasn’t able to...
  3. RossBantams

    Doing a test run of the new solar electric fence...

    I am diving into a much needed project. If you don't want to read the back story, just scroll down to the bold text :) I breed and exhibit poultry and waterfowl. The catch is that I don't really have any land to keep my birds on. Technically I do have land, but it's about an hour and a half...
  4. KathiQuacks

    It’s a Dream Come True

    About two years ago when I hatched my first batch of ducklings, I dreamed of how they would be. I dreamed they’d be sweet, cuddly, that they’d follow me around. Unafraid. Most importantly, I dreamed that, once grown, I could walk them down to my pond in the morning. Course, some of this came...
  5. G

    Cayuga limping, not bumble foot

    I have a 20 week Cayuga that has been limping for about a month now, it is definitely not bumblefoot or an infection. I've tried giving her additional niacin and aspirin to no effect, I've also attempted various means of splinting and wrapping the leg in case her ankle is injured. Those methods...
  6. B

    Incubating Saxony duck eggs (first time)

    Hello, I turn to you in a slightly gloomy mood. This year we decided to try hatching our duck eggs in an incubator. All the eggs were fertilized and probably genetically fine too, because we gave them to people to hatch a few times and they hatched without any problems. Today is the 29th day...
  7. RossBantams

    Any Interest?

    Hey everyone! I wanted to gauge interest in a few things I would love to write about. I have a slow-paced job, so I have some time to really deep dive into some topics. I know some have already been written about, but it never hurts to have different perspectives. Please let me know if you guys...
  8. RossBantams

    Any Interest?

    Hey everyone! I wanted to gauge interest in a few things I would love to write about. I have a slow-paced job, so I have some time to really deep dive into some topics. I know some have already been written about, but it never hurts to have different perspectives. Please let me know if you guys...
  9. Jcarnahan

    Badly injured duck

    I need some advice. I’m able to handle most injuries with ducks but this one is bad. Our goose really tore apart one of my duck hens faces. She is secluded with water and I gave her a bath with some epson salts. I put blue cote on her injuries however it so bad I can see her skull and some...
  10. S

    Rescued duckling won't eat

    Hi there, I rescued a little duckling yesterday from a dangerous situation in a river. I think it's a Mallard. It appears very young, still has the little spike on its bill that I think is uses to help it hatch? I've gotten it non-medicated chick starter but it won't eat. I've tried feeding it...
  11. N

    Help Me Determine the Sex of my Muscovy Ducks

    Hey! I need help determining the sex of my new Muscovy ducks. I got the three older ones (the two black ones and the all white one) on May 19th of this year and they already had most of their feathers grown in. The all white one was a runt so he was very small and his wing feathers were still...
  12. KathiQuacks

    Calling All Duck Gene Experts / Enthusiasts!

    I made a post 2 days ago about some ducks / geese I saw at a local lake. One duck in particular has been on my mind since for how handsome he was!! He’s the only one I couldn’t identify. I am extremely curious to what genes he could possibly have to look this way. He’s completely brown, yet...
  13. Z

    small cut on duck top beak

    hii so i’m new to having ducks and im worried abt my duck beak its just a small cut not bleeding but i have no idea what happened is she going to be okay or what should i do she’s only 5-6 weeks old
  14. TheQueenOfDucks

    Is Black Swedish a good breed for showing?

    We just got some new ducklings! They are a lovely Black Swedish pair. Would they be a good show bird? If not, would they be good for showmanship? Thanks for the help in advance!
  15. Lokesncloaks

    Yellow bump on top of ducks wing

    My drake dandy had this weird bump on the top of his wing, has another duck just pulled his feathers out or is it something more serious? He’s a male Indian runner duck coming up to 2 years old.
  16. H

    HELP! I assisted a duckling before internal pipping!

    Hello! I have been incubating duck eggs for the first time. I placed 6 eggs in the incubator, 4 were fertilized and 2 were not, and then later one of the 4 died, so I am currently left with three eggs. Yesterday was day 28, and all the eggs still didn't do internal pipping yet. I also realized...
  17. S

    Ducks changing genders?

    Hello everyone! I have a bit of a conundrum with my flock. We raised 3 ducks from babies (pictured) who turned out to be all three females. they became adults but never started laying eggs. well now two of them have developed male feathers and one is actively changing colors on her face. I’ve...
  18. S

    Duck attacked by raccoon

    A raccoon got in my duck pen and killed my youngest duck and injured my other male. They have been moved but I don’t know what to do, I’ve only sprayed him down with silver spray. What steps do I need to take? His eye seems to be gone, but the other side of his head wasn’t harmed. I haven’t seen...
  19. A

    9 weeks old Mallard following its own tail

    Hey there, My mallard, that now lives outside in a hut I build for it, has started to run in circles. It's clearly trying to reach something on its undertail. My thought was a tick or something like that. It's been doing this on and off now for a couple of days and seems to really bother the...
  20. P

    Help! Calcified mass attached to duck.

    Duck wasn’t quite herself and seemed to be egg bound. She hasn’t laid in months. We soaked her several times in a warm bath and she strained while pushing. Eventually I could see the “egg” when she pushed, it was a massive grayish, calcified mystery. I continued to massage it out but what came...
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