I did not place this in the emergency/injuries because it's not urgent.
Noticed AngryGirl was off Saturday, but we have five or six going through a molt. Checked on her yesterday, she just seemed off. Wasn't moving much, extremely pale and her wattles/comb were nearly the color of her eyes...
Hello, I am worried about one of my hens... not sure what is going on with her, but behavior is definitely not "normal."
Easter Egger mix hen, 7 months old.
Yesterday (1/1/25), she was in the nesting box in the morning as usual. I came into the coop to freshen up water and give them a small...
Hi All
This is my very first post, and the reason for joining BYC...
My sweet girl is showing signs of impacted crop. We have 3 Chookies in total. 2 are off the lay, but our Donny is a colossal sized egg laying champ! We thought she may have been egg bound, but on day 4, found she had a small...
She has since pooped since posting, I've been giving her mineral oil so does this look normal?
She's getting worse 😭 😔
Hello, we have a 9 month Olive egger that as of yesterday was showing symptoms of egg bound, she was limping on one side while penguin huddling and her vent is pulsating, we soaked her in warm Epsom salt twice and oiled up her vent, I tried massaging her and feeling for anything but I couldn't...
I have a 2.5 year old welsh harlequin who has had herself seperated for about a week now. She had the slightest limp and wasn't walking much, I looked her over and there was no bumble foot or heat in the joints, so I gave her a few days to just rest. Yesterday she walked out of the coop and was...
So about 5pm I found out WhiteBand(name) Black Australorp sleeping in the corner. It took me nearly shaking her a tapping on her to get her to wake up. I even moved her and she didn't put up a fight. I honestly thought she was dead for a moment.
Since then, I did give a calcium d+ vitamin. And...
Hi, me again.
My hen who I found in the run yesterday with an egg stuck had it happen again today. However, today's egg was much more difficult for her to pass. She was REALLY straining and a hard mass just above her vent was protruding. I thought it was the egg at first but the egg ended up...
We have a barred rock hen that just this morning wasn’t moving around as much as usual. She seems to keep having trouble laying an egg, so we assumed she was egg bound and have been soaking her in a warm Epsom salt bath for 20 minutes, applied oil to the vent area, and fed her some extra...
I have a hen that is exhibiting some odd behavior. She used to be one of my most active and busy hens, but now, all she does is lay around. When she gets up, she kind of stumbles a bit and her wings go out— when she walks, she’s a little slow and almost waddles kind of wide-legged. Any ideas...
Yesterday morning we went to check on the flock and one of the hens was “sleeping” standing up. She was very lethargic and uninterested. After watching her and examining we thought she could be egg bound. We followed the steps with baths and calcium and made her an egg with the shell, etc. left...
We have a sick silked Easter egger. Both wings down. Tail down. Skinny and losing weight. We have her isolated with some water with added recovery 911 and vitamin B complex. We just euthanized a chicken at the vet that suspected Mareks. This one isn’t presenting the same. There isn’t a one sided...
Hi ladies and gents. I am brand new here. Need immediate help with my almost 2 year old white leghorn hen. It’s been almost 72 hours since we noticed symptoms. She can’t stand well, when she tries she uses her wing as a crutch then falls down and stays there. Not eating and drinking. No eggs and...
I noticed one of my hens acting off today. When I picked her up, I noticed this coming out of her. It looks like a soft shelled egg that broke/got stuck. I felt inside and it feels like there are broken egg shells. I’m currently giving her an Epsom salt bath, what else should I do for her?
Good morning,
Our sweet girl Darcy, a beautiful 2 years old flower hen, seemed a bit off end of March (I think it was around 23rd) and after examining her, we found an egg inside her. The problem was, she did not lay an egg for about a week at this moment and therefore we started treating her...
I'm sorta new to BYC so i hope i posted this in the right area 😓
I'm worried its to late i noticed my bantam hen (Garnet) wasn't eating much at all 3 days ago and she was very easy to catch normally she's less tame than the others, so i brought her in and took a look at her. she wasn't sneezing...
┈┉━⊰ Leeli Passed Away ⊱━─┉┈
I'll always miss you, my sweet girl.
(7/19/23-4/9/24 | 266 days)
I have an eight and a half month old Buff Orpington (her name is Leeli) that is egg bound. She is panting and can barely stay awake. She can't stand up and doesn't have any balance. She is...
My hen had an egg break inside her. At the vet ER all the yolk and egg white came out leaving a strand of membrane in her vent. I took it out but it broke off. She slept, and woke up with a lot of energy. However after I gave her antibiotics and a bath she became extremely lethargic. She won't...
I noticed she was lethargic and had a penguin stance. When I picked her up I immediately saw clear egg yolk-mucus goop out of her vent, which looked enlarged. She was quickly declining so I soaked her in epsom salt and tried to feel around for an egg with a lubricated gloved finger. I couldn't...