egg development embryo

  1. B

    Its normal for the hen to have different "aged" eggs right? And when is the best time to move her

    This is my first time ever owning chickens, I didn't expect a broody hen until spring not to mention her to be successful. My girl has had a nest for almost 3 weeks and her eggs are in different stages of development. They appear to range from day 9 to day 19, this is normal right? Especially...
  2. BantamAshley

    Day 18, Fetus underdeveloped

    I am about to put 7 bantam eggs into lockdown on day 18.5, 6 of the eggs are of normal developement for day 18 (the fetuses fill all “non-airsac” egg space), but one of the eggs appears to be developmentally behind, as if it were on day 15 or so, with the fetus only filling 2/3 of the...
  3. I

    This looks impossible

    What do you think, is this for real? Would it be possible to do this at home? And does anybody know a way to bring this further then 9 days?
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