feather cysts

  1. ChickenTenderKesha

    I need long time chicken keepers help.. pullet losing feathers, huge scabs, pus filled pores, not being picked on/no bugs?

    This has been progressing since she started growing her adult feathers. Always took longer than her hatch mates which made me think she was a rooster as all my roosters took longer to feather out compared to the pullets. It’s all over her body in spots so I can tell some of this couldn’t be...
  2. H

    Suspected feather follicle cyst.

    Hi everyone, My hen Vicki is coming out of a molting season where she stopped laying and lost her whole tail. This has happened before, so not an issue. I noticed that she has developed a lump on her back near her tail feathers. She’s eating, pooping, and generally moving ok. Doesn’t seem to be...
  3. alexisrambles

    Feather Cysts? Treat or see if it'll fix itself.

    Hello guys! I think one of my girls, a dark brahma, has feather cysts on her wings. She's about 6-7 weeks old. I thought at first it was just her picking at her first moult, but her wings don't look too fun. She's acting fine, pooping fine. When my girls started moulting, it was really hard on...
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