female or male

  1. G

    Is this Blue Australorp a pullet?

    I have a Blue Australorp hatched 9-2-23. Does anyone know if this is a pullet?
  2. 6

    Barred Rock Chick Gender

    I know it is too early to tell, but this chick has a lot of the visual markers that indicate it is male! This chick was vent sexed and labelled a pullet. Barred Rock male chicks have the following: 1) A large white spot on head 2) Less black on legs Barred Rock female chicks have the...
  3. G

    Rhode Island White

    Hi all! We have a 4 1/2 month old Rhode Island White. We were told she was a pullet. Does anyone know if she is a female? Thank you!
  4. eveleychook

    Light Sussex Cross Chicks Male OR Female?

    Like in previous post I am again having problems sexing Sussex chickens, I recently hatched 7 out of 10 eggs. These chicks are now 4-5 weeks old and are a cross between Light Sussex and a ISA Brown and Black hen. I do not know specifically who the mother is of which chick as they all look pretty...
  5. SegiDream

    Dark Brahma Chick Genders?

    Could someone help identify their genders if it is possible please? My dark brahmas are about 6 weeks old maybe a little less, I got them close to the first of April. There are 4 dark brahmas, 3 are currently outside and 1 is still inside with my wyandotte and two younger buff brahma babies. I...
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