finch baby

  1. Society Finches

    Help!! Sleeper 1 month old Late bloomer???

    My pair of Society finches had 5 babies on 12/20/18. 1 of the eggs wasn’t hatched until about 5 days after the first egg hatched, well I have noticed since last Thursday the smallest looking baby slept all day, feathers plumped all day, and for 3 days he did a quiet chirp sound almost all day...
  2. A

    Zebra finches abandoning their babies

    I got an aviary and a couple of more birds for the purpose of breeding them. Its taken me 1 year for them to actually start breeding and laying. I have 2 zebra finche pairs. One has laid 5 eggs while the other pair have 3 babies hatched in their nest. This whole day ive been coming outside to...
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