illness help

  1. F

    Please any insight is appreciated!! Eye infection or something more serious?

    Hello everyone, I could use some guidance/advice. I have one hen, about 9 months old, that isn’t doing great. A few weeks ago, I noticed her one eye was super swollen/crusty and looked severely infected. She also had diarrhea. I took her to the vet, they prescribed an antibiotic, an...
  2. rooney85

    Silkie losing weight

    Hi all! We have a silkie that has been losing weight over the last few weeks that just has me stumped. Shes bearded and has a pretty epic poof, and is probably about 6 months old at this point. I trimmed her feathers back from her face and she mostly lives inside as the winter has been tough and...
  3. R

    Runner Duck acting strange

    I have a white female runner duck who is about 3 years old. Normally well in herself. She is eating and drinking normally. Has lost no weight. But is unsteady on her feet, staying in her bedding/nest area lot, not really going to her pond much to swim. Her male partner duck is completely fine...
  4. S

    Mouth Canker Help

    Hello! I haven’t made any posts in here yet so i’m not sure how this works, but i’ll try to keep it succinct: Our chicken, Gerta, has canker. I’ve checked it next to other diseases and the symptoms match closely with this one, though her case isn’t as severe as some. She’s an otherwise...
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