introducing rooster

  1. Bigbluefrog

    Adding a young Rooster to established flock

    My neighbor has several buff orpington roosters. He is offering me a 7 month old rooster. I have 11 hens (ages 1 year to 8 months) All of them are laying. 2 Barred Rocks, 2 New Hampshire Reds, and 7 Rhode Island Reds. How do you introduce a rooster? Quarantine for 30 days? Have them separate...
  2. Dawn fabz

    Rooster of nine

    Hello I have 9 hens and I am just now introducing a rooster. I have one last year but it was sadly killed by an eagle. I have 5 acres and let my chickens free range and want a rooster for protection (which my last rooster did amazingly!). I am watching them for aggressive behavior towards...
  3. Robyn67

    Hens combs going pale

    Our 4 hens combs are turning pale. A month ago we got a rooster for our 4 hens. Our girls are still laying everyday and no signs of odd behaviour or illness except that there combs are turning pale pink. The rooster still has a bright red comb. As a precaution, we have dusted them a few days...
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