layer problems

  1. L

    help duck has clear liquid leaking out of vent

    Hi I have a piking duck that's around 6 month old. Shes been laying soft shelled eggs and been experiencing some issues. First she got herself egg bound but she eventually passed the egg. Then she got a broken egg inside of her. We gave her amoxicillin just in case. And after a week she now has...
  2. T

    Layer feed for younger birds

    How detrimental would a layer crumble feed be for chickens that are between 0-12 weeks old? or right until before it should be consumed. I read that it can damage the chickens liver somewhere. I'm curious to know how badly layer feed would affect younger birds. will the consequences be faced...
  3. L

    Reds Stopped Laying

    We raised 6 reds from chicks they are 18 months old. They started laying right on schedule and did great. About 7 months ago the lead hen was unfortunately eaten by a bobcat. Since then only 1 hen lays every day. The other 4 have completely stopped. Any suggestions on getting the other 4 back...
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