mite treatment

  1. TKSalberg

    Correct Sulfer product to use on chickens

    HELLO _ thank you in advance! Im looking for confirmation/suggestions if I purchased the wrong thing. I ordered the following product from Amazon: Sulfur Powder - 99% purity - Elemental Sulfur - Commercial grade I would like to confirm that I CAN use this powder directly on my birds (via a...
  2. emmagat

    Scaly leg mites?

    Hi! I made an account here a while ago, but this is one of my first posts. Well, I've had chickens for a long time, and I've had an infestation (if you will) with scaly leg mites on my ladies (the mites started a couple months ago). I've researched multiple treatments online, and multiple...
  3. Devw

    Got Mites? I Found a Solution

    Hi everybody! I'm not sure if anyone else has posted something similar, but I figured I post it anyways for the good of all poultry owners. For the last two or three years, I have been fighting mites. I have tried Everything. I have tried garlic in the water, essential oils, weekly baths...
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