moving chicks in together

  1. emmylu62

    Hens stopped laying when moved... 4 weeks ago!

    Hi All, looking for some advice... I moved my birds outside into a chicken tractor with poultry net pen to help protect the area from predators. There are 9 hens that are a year old, 4 sassy araucanas who are 4 months old and 3 Peking ducks. There are a few issues... 1) I was getting 9...
  2. juliet carter

    Moving different breeds outside?

    So I have a question about moving our pullets outside to join our established flock. A bit of background- We have four hens that are a year old in a small coop outside. We have seven pullets all different breeds in a brooder in our dining room. The pullets range in age from 5 weeks to almost 6...
  3. hegazi

    Please Help- what to do

    Hi I am loving our new venture into backyard chickens but I am not sure what to do. I have 2 roosters that are just over 3 months old -hatched and grown up together, 15 hens that are maybe 1-1.5 months old, and 21 -3 week old hens. I am finishing up the coop and decided to move the older...
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