need help fast

  1. Snugglesandwigglespetcare

    Can chicks get lice or mites inside the egg

    My chick just came out and it looks like it has a bunch of things on it…
  2. B

    Coryza in quail? Help!

    Hello, i have 16 quail that are all about 5-6 weeks old. One of the chicks from day one has had what looks like conjunctivitis. Pink swollen eyes, crusty and runny with no other symptoms. I treated him by pressing a warm wet wash cloth against the eyes and removing any residue. Both of his eyes...
  3. awyman

    Sick / Injured Duck.

    My year old duck became injured about 2 weeks ago. Something happened to one of her legs, but nothing appeared swollen, cut, or anything. She stopped walking, but could drag herself around. I separated her into a pen, and monitored her for a week. I started doing water therapy with her, but it...
  4. Turkey Girl

    HELP! Chick with Clogged Vent!

    One of our week-old French Black Copper Marans had Pasty Butt a few days ago, so naturally, we took care of it by running warm water over it's vent. We have done this several times before and it has worked, this time it didn't. The inside of this chick's vent has been clogged and it won't poop...
  5. Laylashens


    So our hen Jazzy has just started looking sick today. She has this weird thing where it looks like she’s pecking at the air and closing her left eye every time she does it. She does it constantly; it’s like she can’t stop. We have one other hen in our flock with a limp neck and one that just...
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