oeg bantam hen

  1. Ponyiqandhens2

    Quirky OEG bantam

    Cicely is about 15 months old, been broody 3 times, hatched whatever eggs were around and raised very good free range birds. Anyway, she "weaned" her current chicks at 10 weeks when the little cockerel started trying to crow ( they are inadvertently able to be sexed based on color and pattern...
  2. Ponyiqandhens2

    Any ideas?

    Here are the possibilities HEN A-CICELY,broody hen Spangled old english game bantam Hen b- floof- Mille fleur d'uccle Hen c Farrah Fawcett- golden sebright ROOSTER-Timothy- golden sebright 5 eggs have hatched.. These are awful pictures, but she's not ready to share her children..so any...
  3. Henny Penney

    looking for OEG Bantam in Western Washington

    We have a rescue pair of Old English Game Bantams, he is Self-blue, she is blue. He needs another hen so she can lay an egg in peace without him trying to sit in the nest! 🙄
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