old age

  1. Muthaofchickens

    Older Chicken not walking or eating

    Hi there, one of my older hens isn't walking and isn't interested in food or water. I can get her to drink but can't get her to eat. She is still pooping and I know she's not egg bound because she hasn't been laying eggs in over a year or so. I gave her an Epsom salt bath and when I got her out...
  2. Chickenunsernam

    My hen literally pooped an egg- Please help!

    Hi everyone: I have an 11 year old hen, part leghorn, who in her day laid a many eggs. In her old age she stopped laying egg which I understand. However, she recently (like two days ago) starting laying eggs again, going in the nest box. The first egg was long and thin and oddly shaped. The...
  3. rhennesy

    It may just be old age but....

    I have a 4 year old Buff Orpington who has stopped laying (not a big surprise). Her comb is folded over and lighter in color. She is moving very slowly and seems all balled up when she walks through the yard. She's not one for being touched but just remains still as I reach for her now. She...
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