old hen

  1. Sagey_7878

    Easter Egger Hen is sick! Help!

    Hi everybody, I’m Sage and I’m from Australia! My EE hen has been walking weirdly which I noticed the other day, and I noticed her butt was dirty with poop. I noticed today that now it looks more yellow and it appears to be it may be an egg. She hasn’t laid for many months and I thought she had...
  2. R

    Old hen still laying

    Hey! I have a 13 year old ameraucana that still lays eggs. Whenever she's in the nesting box and is about to lay one she starts to yell at me( that's what I call it anyway cause I'm pretty sure that's what she's doing)and once in a while she will have an egg with a soft shell. She has been...
  3. ckhd

    Hen's age vs. Hatchability

    Hi everyone, I have an older hen. To be honest, I don't know how old, I just know her previous owner's mother said, "Oh, my gosh, is she still laying?". She is a beautiful, sweet hen and I want to have more of her, so I tried to hatch three of her eggs. None made it past about day 8 (judging...
  4. LunaMarieWolf

    When to cull old hens??

    I have some hens I got for a gift from my grandparents. I've had them for a year now, and they were older hens when I got them. They aren't putting out many eggs and its's costing more to feed them than the eggs they are putting out. Plus it seems like I will have to invest in more expensive...
  5. webbysmeme

    That possum clawed one of my old girls! Help⁉️

    Here’s a picture of everything that I have. What can I do for her?
  6. C

    Unique Symptoms! Please Help!

    hi. So I have a little buff bantam hen who is probably about 4 or 5 years old. We noticed today that she is acting weird. She is breathing fast and heavy but her mouth is closed. She keeps her eyes shut, seems off balance. She didn’t make a sound at all when I picked her up when usually she...
  7. C

    older hen behaving strangely

    Hi One of my "older" (2+ years, but Hy-line) hens is behaving strangely. She avoids the other chickens in the flock and they started pecking on her. She hides but seems fine otherwise. This is new. She used to be a part of the flock even though she hasnt been laying eggs for several months. I...
  8. ChxLadyCass

    Blood spot on eggs 2 consecutive days

    The black hen is the Hen in isolation. Hey all! I have a hen who is in Chicken hospital isolation as she is over mated and lost a lot of feathers. I noticed that two days in a row now, her eggs have what look like blood on them. She is getting old, but she is my favorite, hardy hen! Any idea...
  9. steffenbsd

    Longevity on a mash diet?

    I was wondering if anyone has experience raising hens to a nice old age with commercial layer mash? I have seen several articles or books mention that chickens live the longest on a commercial feed AND chickens tend to pick their favorite things out of mash, which makes one worry they aren’t...
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