one coop

  1. Nicci0110

    Please help! Integrating Chickens 15 weeks and 6 weeks

    I have 15-week-old Rhode Islande Reds and Mixes (5 pullets and 1 Roo) and seven 6-week-old pullet chicks (Buff Orpington, White Leghorn, Barred Rock, Red Sex Link, and one Easter Egger) I have set up a makeshift cage next to my bigger chickens run. I started putting them next to them yesterday...
  2. Lifeiseasy

    Worming a Rooster Conundrum

    I had created a thread about my rooster not feeling well a while ago. After him improving slightly, but never having the vet call us back and my rooster being very skinny, we have decided to worm him. It is unconfirmed if he has worms or not because they are not visible in his poop but something...
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