
  1. mdees88

    Shipped Eggs Getting a Bad Rap?

    So I hear it all the time. "Shipped eggs have bad hatch rates".... I know a guy who incubates pretty regularly and he has never bought shipped eggs and reccomends against it. You find mixed results when searching this website. It seems most people here tend to agree that hatching shipped eggs...
  2. ChickenGeek_101

    so exciting!!!!! :D

    hi guys! I am soo excited to finally be ordering my chicks. I am getting 15 Barred rocks 11 leg horns 11 EEs and maybe 3 Rhode Island Reds but I do have a problem though. I don't know which hatchery to order from between Cackle and Murray. any suggestions? suggestions will be greatly...
  3. Jeevan Singh

    Ordering Chicks Need Help

    Has anyone ordered from a hatchery and had to wait this long? I know the chicks aren’t available until mid February, but anyone who waited this long how was it?
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