
  1. P

    Peafowl Hatching/Walking Issues

    Hi gang, A month ago I bought 4 peafowl eggs from a lovely guy near me. I put them in my (very cheap) hobbyist incubator with little hope but and interest to see what happened. This morning we work to one hatched and two pipped which was exciting! By late afternoon, it was clear that the...
  2. F

    Color and pattern help

    What color and pattern is he? I got this peacock today. Seller said he was 1 year old. (the cage in the second and third pictures is only temporary)
  3. C

    Peacock lost train early?

    My male peacock grew his full train by January this year. However, he began losing it a little less than 2 months ago. As of today, 5/20, he only has one train feather remaining. From what I understand, that is wayyy too early for him to lose his train. He had a red light on in his coop for...
  4. FeatherLady-

    My peacock keeps chasing my dogs

    Hello everyone! My male peacock keeps chasing my dogs. To the point they are all including himself out of breath. I’m not understanding what his problem could be. They are guardian dogs so they literally won’t do anything to him besides protect him. But the dogs are obviously exhausted with it...
  5. L

    Sneezing and nose discharge

    Hi all! New-ish to chicken disease and am needing to nip it in the bud asap! We have a mixed flock of: Orpington, silkie, reds, leghorn, rock, ameracana, couple of mystery breeds, and turkeys plus peacock. Our silkie rooster has developed a sad crow and was sneezing and had nose discharge...
  6. E

    A Peafowl Mystery

    (TLDR: 4 birds missing, including 1 large male, no signs of attack, but no sightings ) Hi everyone, I’m new here and hoping to ask for some ideas/advice. I’m sorry for the long post, but wanted to give some background in hope that someone might have some insight - also I’m really upset at the...
  7. Micoylf

    Sexing yearlings

    hiya!! I have 4 darling birds that hatched this year and while i know the blue and piebald are both males, i have no clue on the two whites. Any clue? I don’t think I’d be able to wrangle them to draw blood for that method but i would like to know if possible before they grow tail feathers, i...
  8. PeaEggThief

    Peafowl in Eastern PA - IB, IB split Midnight, Purple, Cameo, White

    I have some 2022 and 2023 peafowl for sale! 2022 1 India Blue split Midnight peacock 1 India Blue Black Shoulder split Midnight peacock 1 Cameo peahen 1 White peahen 2023 1 India Blue peacock 1 low% spaulding white (unsexed)
  9. Climax

    Limping peacock (swolen knee joint????)

    I recently got 4 peacocks and one of them has a limp, I picked him up several times to carefully examine his leg, he has no breaks, no bumblefoot, no apparent Injuries. The only thing he has different is in his knee joint, it seems like the joint is bigger and much different than compared to the...
  10. bubbleberry

    Peafowl Living Outside

    Hi, I have a single peachick due to hatch (long story) next month and wanted to get some advice I know to keep it in a brooder for 6-8 weeks and what to feed it but I'm in two minds whether to rehome it. If I did keep it I would try my best to find another peachick of a similar age. We have...
  11. bubbleberry

    Peafowl Egg Hatched By Muscovy

    Long story short, I went to collect some Indian runner hatching eggs today to put under my broody muscovy hen. We were also given a peafowl egg for free (I said no but was outvoted 😂 ). The plan is to put them all in the nest at the same time but I'm not sure what the best thing to do is once...
  12. Micoylf

    Hatched Peachicks!!

    Photos of the hatched peachicks, now that they are all fluffed up and posing pretty! The last one Fable, i posted about in the incubator forum- i had to help them out of the shell. They are doing alright! They have some spraddle leg issues but its being fixed. The other 3 are fine with no...
  13. Louleybug


    Hello, I’m a fairly new peacock owner. I live on 20 acres with a lot of other farm animals. My peacock is about 12 months old. He’s been locked up in his adult cage for 3 months & did great. I wanted to free range him along with my chickens. about 2 months ago I let him out. He’s done great, up...
  14. dublinducks

    Peachick with Curled Toes -- Are these boots applied right?

    I posted this in Peafowl too but I forgot to add the tags, so I'm posting it here as well. About 30 minutes ago I hatched a single peachick (long story). I believe he was shrink-wrapped, I had to assist him in hatching after about a day and a half, but he's out now. The humidity during his...
  15. dublinducks

    Conflicting Info about California Valley Quail

    I recently purchased 33 (asked for 20 and was given LOTS of extras!) California Valley Quail hatching eggs, that are currently in my incubator. I’m using a Nuture Right 360, and I’ve got them set at 50/55% humidity and using my automatic turner. I’ve got it set for 23 days, lockdown on day 20...
  16. F

    PLEASE HELP! Eggs dying before hatching?

    I have hatched peacock eggs for a couple of years now and have always had good hatch rates. Usually I have a 90% hatch rate but lately I have had about 25%. Pretty much all of the eggs are fertile and seem healthy right up till it’s time to hatch and then they die. They don’t even internally...
  17. P

    Peacock has damaged wings! Help!

    Hello friends, I bought a roughly 2 year old peacock from a friend who didn’t want to care for him due to lack of time and space. So we have had him 10 months and although he is very skiddish and will not let us touch him he adjusted so well! He grew in a long beautiful train and feathers. Now...
  18. S

    Introducing peacocks and peahens into chicken flock without them jumping out of yard

    I’ve got one peahen and a peacock and have had them penned up in a shed with a chicken mesh door, I don’t know how to introduce them to my chicken, ducks, and Guinea fowl. I tried a while ago to introduce a peacock but after leaving him out of the shed, he hid underneath some trees and was away...
  19. V

    Need Advice Peacock can’t use legs.

    Today someone brought me a peacock that is about 3 months old. It can’t stand or walk and never has since birth. It seems pretty healthy otherwise. I know nothing about them, I have emailed my vet but wanted to check here to see if there’s any recommendations or if y’all have seen this before...
  20. Dianadejesus

    Peacock or peahen?

    We have two peafowl I know one is a boy but I can’t tell what this one is. I see it has some barring on its back but I think it’s disappearing? What do you think?
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