Can anyone determine the parentage and/or sex of this chick that came from a mixed Polish coop?
Roo: Silver Laced
Hens: Golden laced, Silver laced, White, White crested black, and Buff laced
(Pictures of chick and Roo included.)
born 12/19/2024
I didn’t hatch them. Their crest are very different in shapes. I have 9 this age and there are distinctively two different crest shapes amongst them.
Hello all,
A bit of a rant but also a cry for help. I've been trying to locate Buff Polish Chickens/Chicks/Hatching Eggs and failing miserably. I've checked every hatchery I can find, searched through Craigslist AND eBay but not a soul has purebred Buff Polish chickens. They're all mutts, mixed...
Hey folks,
I'm new to chicken genetics and am trying to wrap my head around all the different genes that influence a chicken's colour! I know there are a handful of posts already in regards to breeding buff laced polish and gold laced polish together.
Based on this post...
Hi everyone, I have a small flock of 5. For back story I got my polish rooster a year ago, he's about a year and 4 months old. When I got him I had to nurse him back to health from what his last flock did. Because of that I didn't rush getting him any friends, I waited until we were all ready...
This may seem like a silly question when you see my chickens and which breeds I am discussing here.
Buff Orpingtons, Polish (unsure if bantam or large fowl), and an Easter Egger.
This afternoon’s egg haul. The brown ones are my SGs. Bottom one is my 1yo KC duck’s. Top white egg is the one...
Hi! I have two roosters: buff silkie, tolbunt polish. And my hens are: white crested black polish, gold laced polish, tolbunt polish, white silkie, black silkie, grey silkie. And I am wondering if anyone has any idea what kind of chicks I could hatch with them:) polishxsilkie chickens are so...
Hi! I recently acquired a young golden laced polish frizzle rooster. I really love the coloring of the Tolbunts and Candy Corn - I was wondering what hens I should breed him with next season in order to breed towards those colors?
As an adult, have had chickens for 15+ years. Adore them all - we have a Heintz 57 flock - and we're particularly enjoying Houdans right now. What an affectionate breed! We're at 14 ladies right now who keep our large family in eggs, for the most part. Except now. When it's hot at Hades here in...
Our little baby Flo has crooked toes. We got it 2 days ago and I noticed today the toes on one foot are curved/ crooked. I am fairly new to this chicken thing and I'm not sure if there's anything I can do for Flo. Flo is a copper maran mixed with Polish.
I feel like I'm starting to see some dark and pointy saddle feathers coming in on this polish chicken. Can anyone confirm if what I'm seeing is saddle feathers? For reference this is a 10 week old chicken.
Hey Everyone, I know Polish are notoriously difficulty to sex, but I'm hoping some experts here might have a clue for my 9 week old Polish. I've had the worst of luck with roo's this year so I'm crossing my fingers that maybe this little one is a hen.
What do you guys think?
Sorry for not...
Enjoy these pics of my silly new babies, born May 20. I know their tell tale crest shape will indicate male/female when they're older. But is there anything else to look for? We haven't had Polish before now.
I have just purchased four Tolbunt Polish, I'm unsure of how to sex them as none seem to have any comb or wattles. They seem to have feathers in their crests as well as around the backs of their necks growing in which in my mind means roosters. Needing another opinion. (Pictures are all of the...